Two experimental treatments were generated: Treatment Reefs where invasive algae were removed and urchins outplanted, and Control Reefs, where no mitigation action was taken.
Reefs were sampled through time at fixed transects; this is the Repeated Measure of the experiment. These sampling times were repeated twice a year, across Seasons: either Winter (Nov-Feb) or Summer (May-June). The sampling periods span from 2011 to 2014. The Before period marks initial sampling where before mitigation action was taken.
FIXED EFFECTS - Treatment = 2 levels (Control and Treatment)
- Time = 5 time points (1 Before and 4 After)
TEMPORAL RANDOM EFFECTS - Transect = the repeated measure (5 points of repeated measure)
SPATIAL RANDOM EFFECTS - Reef = Treatments or Controls are replicated at the Reef scale (n=2) - Habitat = Habitat is nested within Reef (1|Reef/Habitat). The sampling design at each Reef was stratified according to distinct habitat types (from crest inward): aggregate, pavement, mix).
Import the data, load packages, and combine all members of “invasive algae” into a common metric. Data file shows…
Factors (Reef, Treatment, Habitat, Transects, Calendar Date, Time Point, Season)
NatAlgae = Native macroalgae
#clear work space
#load packages
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = '~/Desktop/Research and Teaching/Invasive algae/R-stats/Invasive Algae')
ALLdata<-read.csv("data/InvAlgProjdata_DLNR.csv", header=T, na.string=NA)
# names(ALLdata)
##### examine data structure ######
# str(ALLdata)
ALLdata$Date<-as.Date(ALLdata$Date, format="%m/%d/%y")
ALLdata$Time<-factor(ALLdata$Time, levels=c("Before", "After1", "After2", "After3", "After4"))
First, set aside the dataframe above, ALLdata. This original dataframe is in proportion, and this will be used in the analysis. Generate a new dataframe, fig.df, by converting the proportion data in ALLdata to percent cover. Finally, create a summary dataframes of means, standard error, and sample size for the percent cover data.
# percent cover dataframe
# means and SE by Reef, Time for all variables
full.mean.summary<-aggregate(cbind(Inv_Algae, Ed, Ks, As, Gs, CCA, Abiotic, Coral, NatAlgae)~Reef+Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean); colnames(full.mean.summary) <- c("Reef", "Treatment", "Time", "InvAlgae-mean", "ED-mean", "Ks-mean", "AS-mean", "GS-mean", "CCA-mean", "Abiotic-mean", "Coral-mean", "NatAlgae-mean");full.mean.summary
# SE
full.SE.summary<-aggregate(cbind(Inv_Algae, Ed, Ks, As, Gs, CCA, Abiotic, Coral, NatAlgae)~Reef+Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error); colnames(full.SE.summary) <- c("Reef", "Treatment", "Time", "InvAlgae-SE", "ED-SE", "KS-SE", "AS-SE", "GS-SE", "CCA-SE", "Abiotic-SE", "Coral-SE", "NatAlgae-SE"); full.SE.summary
# sample size
full.n.summary<-aggregate(cbind(Inv_Algae, Ed, Ks, As, Gs, CCA, Abiotic, Coral, NatAlgae)~Reef+Treatment+Time, fig.df, length); colnames(full.n.summary) <- c("Reef", "Treatment", "Time", "InvAlgae-n", "ED-n", "KS-n", "AS-n", "GS-n", "CCA-n", "Abiotic-n", "Coral-n", "NatAlgae-n"); full.n.summary
#compiled summary mean, SE, n<-data.frame(full.mean.summary[c(1:12,0)], full.SE.summary[c(0,4:12)], full.n.summary[c(0,5)]); colnames( <- c("Reef", "Treatment", "Time", "InvAlgae-mean", "ES-mean", "KS-mean", "AS-mean", "GS-mean", "CCA-mean", "Abiotic-mean", "Coral-mean", "NatAlgae-mean", "InvAlgae-SE", "ED-SE", "KS-SE", "AS-SE", "GS-SE", "CCA-SE", "Abiotic-SE", "Coral-SE", "NatAlgae-SE", "N") ;
#export data summary
#write.csv(, "output/datasummary_updated.csv")
Create an individual dataframes of means and SE for figure generation
## General formatting to apply to all figures
par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar=c(5,4,1,1))
pd <- position_dodge(0.1) #offset for error bars
# theme position for legend in (x,y)
theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill=NA, color = "black", size = .1)) +
theme(legend.key = element_blank()) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.75,0.86)) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size=14))+
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=10)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(colour = "black", size=1))+ theme(aspect.ratio=1)+
theme(axis.ticks.length=unit(-0.25, "cm"),
axis.text.y=element_text(margin=unit(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), "cm")),
axis.text.x=element_text(margin=unit(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), "cm"))))
# axis labels to replace "before and afters"
x.names<-c("Winter\n 2011","Summer\n 2012","Winter\n 2012", "Summer\n 2013", "Winter\n 2013")
#Invasive Algae
Inv.mean<-aggregate(Inv_Algae~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
Inv.SE<-aggregate(Inv_Algae~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
Inv.df<-data.frame(Inv.mean, Inv.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(Inv.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
Inv.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(Inv.df$Treatment, Inv.df$Time)
Fig.InvAlg<-ggplot(data=Inv.df, aes(x=Time, y=mean, group=Treatment, fill=Treatment)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-se, ymax=mean+se),size=.5, width=0, position=pd) +
geom_line(position=pd, size=.5) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 35)) +
geom_point(aes(fill=Treatment), position=pd, size=4, pch=21) +
labels=c("Control", "Treatment")) +
ylab("Invasive Algae (% cover)") +
xlab("Sampling Times") + theme_classic() +
# ggsave(file="Fig.InvAlg.eps", dpi=300)
CCA.mean<-aggregate(CCA~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
CCA.SE<-aggregate(CCA~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
CCA.df<-data.frame(CCA.mean, CCA.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(CCA.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
CCA.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(CCA.df$Treatment, CCA.df$Time)
# plot figure with hab-treat means +/- se using GGPLOT
Fig.CCA<-ggplot(data=CCA.df, aes(x=Time, y=mean, group=Treatment, fill=Treatment)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-se, ymax=mean+se),size=.5, width=0, position=pd) +
geom_line(position=pd, size=.5) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 35)) +
geom_point(aes(fill=Treatment), position=pd, size=4, pch=21) +
labels=c("Control", "Treatment")) +
ylab("CCA (% cover)")+
xlab("Sampling Times") +
theme_classic() +
# ggsave(file="Fig.CCA.eps", dpi=300)
# Abiotic
Abiot.mean<-aggregate(Abiotic~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
Abiot.SE<-aggregate(Abiotic~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
Abiot.df<-data.frame(Abiot.mean, Abiot.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(Abiot.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
Abiot.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(Abiot.df$Treatment, Abiot.df$Time)
# plot figure with hab-treat means +/- se using GGPLOT
Fig.Abiotic<-ggplot(data=Abiot.df, aes(x=Time, y=mean, group=Treatment, fill=Treatment)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-se, ymax=mean+se),size=.5, width=0, position=pd) +
geom_line(position=pd, size=.5) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 70)) +
geom_point(aes(fill=Treatment), position=pd, size=4, pch=21) +
labels=c("Control", "Treatment")) +
ylab("Sand/Turf/Bare (% cover)") +
xlab("Sampling Times") +
theme_classic() +
# ggsave(file="Fig.Abiotic.eps", dpi=300)
# Coral
Coral.mean<-aggregate(Coral~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
Coral.SE<-aggregate(Coral~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
Coral.df<-data.frame(Coral.mean, Coral.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(Coral.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
Coral.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(Coral.df$Treatment, Coral.df$Time)
# plot figure with hab-treat means +/- se using GGPLOT
Fig.Coral<-ggplot(data=Coral.df, aes(x=Time, y=mean, group=Treatment, fill=Treatment)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-se, ymax=mean+se),size=.5, width=0, position=pd) +
geom_line(position=pd, size=.5) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 70)) +
geom_point(aes(fill=Treatment), position=pd, size=4, pch=21) +
labels=c("Control", "Treatment")) +
ylab("Coral (% cover)") +
xlab("Sampling Times") +
theme_classic() +
# ggsave(file="Fig.Coral.eps", dpi=300)
# Native Algae
NatAlg.mean<-aggregate(NatAlgae~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
NatAlg.SE<-aggregate(NatAlgae~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
NatAlg.df<-data.frame(NatAlg.mean, NatAlg.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(NatAlg.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
NatAlg.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(NatAlg.df$Treatment, NatAlg.df$Time)
# plot figure with hab-treat means +/- se using GGPLOT
Fig.NatAlg<-ggplot(data=NatAlg.df, aes(x=Time, y=mean, group=Treatment, fill=Treatment)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-se, ymax=mean+se),size=.5, width=0, position=pd) +
geom_line(position=pd, size=.5) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 35)) +
geom_point(aes(fill=Treatment), position=pd, size=4, pch=21) +
labels=c("Control", "Treatment")) +
ylab("Native Algae (% cover)") +
xlab("Sampling Times") +
theme_classic() +
# ggsave(file="Fig.NatAlg.eps", dpi=300)
#export figures
#pdf(file="plots_5time points_InvAlg.pdf")
#grid.arrange(Fig.CCA, Fig.NatAlg)
#grid.arrange(Fig.Coral, Fig.Abiotic)
Generate a plot with All the invasive algae groups plotted individually at Control and Treatment Reefs through time.
#Ed dataframe
Ed.mean<-aggregate(Ed~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
Ed.SE<-aggregate(Ed~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
Ed.df<-data.frame(Ed.mean, Ed.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(Ed.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
Ed.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(Ed.df$Treatment, Ed.df$Time)
#Ks dataframe
Ks.mean<-aggregate(Ks~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
Ks.SE<-aggregate(Ks~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
Ks.df<-data.frame(Ks.mean, Ks.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(Ks.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
Ks.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(Ks.df$Treatment, Ks.df$Time)
#As dataframe
As.mean<-aggregate(As~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
As.SE<-aggregate(As~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
As.df<-data.frame(As.mean, As.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(As.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
As.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(As.df$Treatment, As.df$Time)
#Gs dataframe
Gs.mean<-aggregate(Gs~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean)
Gs.SE<-aggregate(Gs~Treatment+Time, fig.df, std.error)
Gs.df<-data.frame(Gs.mean, Gs.SE[c(3,0)]); colnames(Gs.df) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "mean", "se")
Gs.df["Treat_Time"]<-paste(Gs.df$Treatment, Gs.df$Time)
######## dataframes ##################
# separating Control and Treatment dataframes
############## properties for plotting figure ##############
Sample.Times2=c(1.02, 2.02, 3.02, 4.02, 5.02) # provides an offset from orignal x
Sample.Times3=c(0.95, 1.95, 2.95, 3.95, 4.95) # provides an offset from orignal x
expression(italic("Acanthophora spicifera")),
expression(italic("Gracilaria salicornia")))
colors<-c("coral", "yellow3", "cadetblue3", "chartreuse4")
#### Control Reefs with all Invasive Algae species ####
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar=c(5,4,1,1))
plot(Sample.Times, Ed.Cn$mean, ylab="Macroalgae (% cover)", xaxt="n", type="o", ylim=c(0,18), pch=19, xlab="Sampling Times", cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[1], main="Control Reefs")
axis(side=1, at=Sample.Times, labels=x.names, cex.axis=0.8)
arrows(Sample.Times, Ed.Cn$mean-Ed.Cn$se, Sample.Times, Ed.Cn$mean+Ed.Cn$se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[1])
with(Ks.Cn, lines(Sample.Times, mean, xaxt="n", type="o", pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[2]))
with(Ks.Cn, arrows(Sample.Times, mean-se, Sample.Times, mean+se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[2]))
with(As.Cn, lines(x=Sample.Times2, y=mean, xaxt="n", type="o", pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[3]))
with(As.Cn, arrows(Sample.Times2, mean-se, Sample.Times2, mean+se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3,col=colors[3]))
with(Gs.Cn, lines(Sample.Times3, mean, xaxt="n", type="o", pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[4]))
with(Gs.Cn, arrows(Sample.Times3, mean-se, Sample.Times3, mean+se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[4]))
#### Treatment Reefs with all Invasive Algae species ####
plot(Sample.Times, Ed.Tr$mean, ylab="Macroalgae (% cover)",xlab="Sampling Times", xaxt="n", type="o", ylim=c(0,18), pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[1], main="Treatment Reefs")
axis(side=1, at=Sample.Times, labels=x.names, cex.axis=0.8)
arrows(Sample.Times, Ed.Tr$mean-Ed.Tr$se, Sample.Times, Ed.Tr$mean+Ed.Tr$se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[1])
with(Ks.Tr, lines(Sample.Times2, mean, xaxt="n", type="o", pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[2]))
with(Ks.Tr, arrows(Sample.Times2, mean-se, Sample.Times2, mean+se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[2]))
with(As.Tr, lines(Sample.Times2, mean, xaxt="n", type="o", pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[3]))
with(As.Tr, arrows(Sample.Times2, mean-se, Sample.Times2, mean+se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[3]))
with(Gs.Tr, lines(Sample.Times3, mean, xaxt="n", type="o", pch=19, cex=1.5, lwd=2, col=colors[4]))
with(Gs.Tr, arrows(Sample.Times3, mean-se, Sample.Times3, mean+se, length=0, lwd=2, angle=90, code=3, col=colors[4]))
legend("topleft", inset=c(0.02, 0.01), legend=Species, col=colors, pch=19, pt.cex=1.5, cex=0.7, bty="n", x.intersp=0.9, y.intersp=1.3)
Generate a composition plot figure for Before and After for each reef and each treatment
# make dataframe with only rows and columns needed to make figure
########## means by Reef ID and Time dataframe ##########
comp.fig.df<-full.mean.summary[, c(1:4,9:12)] # just columns needing to graph
comp.fig.df<-comp.fig.df[(comp.fig.df$Time=="Before" | comp.fig.df$Time=="After4"),] # only show time points "Before" and Final "After4"
colnames(comp.fig.df)<-c("Reef", "Treatment", "Time", "Invasive Algae","CCA", "Sand/Bare/Turf", "Coral", "Native Algae")
# reorder columns
comp.fig.df<-comp.fig.df[, c(1:4, 8,5,7,6)]
# convert wide to long format data
comp.reef.stack.fig<-melt(comp.fig.df, id.vars=1:3)
colnames(comp.reef.stack.fig)<-c("Reef", "Treatment", "Time", "member", "cover")
stack.palette<-c("darkgreen", "darkseagreen3", "lightcoral", "lightblue", "ivory")
# grouping factor for Time
comp.reef.stack.fig$Time<-factor(comp.reef.stack.fig$Time, levels=c("Before", "After4"))
#### Figxx
# Fig.stack.reef.trt<-ggplot(comp.reef.stack.fig, aes(x = interaction(Reef, Treatment, lex.order=FALSE), y=cover, fill = member)) +
# geom_bar(position = "fill",stat = "identity", colour="black") +
# scale_y_continuous(labels = percent_format()) +
# scale_fill_manual(values=stack.palette, labels=c("Invasive macroalgae", "Native macroalgae", "CCA", "Coral", #"SBT"), guide = guide_legend(title = "Community members")) +
# scale_x_discrete(labels=c("Reef 16\nControl", "Reef 28\nControl", "Reef 26\nTreatment", "Reef 27\nTreatment", #"Reef 16\nControl", "Reef 28\nControl", "Reef 26\nTreatment", "Reef 27\nTreatment")) +
# ggtitle("Benthic cover over time") +
# theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=6))+
# xlab(expression(bold("Reef and Treatment"))) +
# ylab(expression(bold(paste("Benthic cover %")))) + facet_grid(.~Time)
# Fig.stack.reef.trt
# ggsave(file="figures/Fig.stack.reef.trt.pdf")
########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
########## means by Treatment and Time dataframe ##############
comp.fig.trt<-aggregate(cbind(Inv_Algae, CCA, Abiotic, Coral, NatAlgae)~Treatment+Time, fig.df, mean); colnames(comp.fig.trt) <- c("Treatment", "Time", "Invasive Algae","CCA", "Sand/Bare/Turf", "Coral", "Native Algae")
# remove times not wanted for figure
comp.fig.trt<-comp.fig.trt[(comp.fig.trt$Time=="Before" | comp.fig.trt$Time=="After4"),] # only show time points "Before" and Final "After4"
# reorder columns
comp.fig.trt<-comp.fig.trt[, c(1:3,7,4,6,5)]
# convert wide to long format data
comp.fig.trt<-melt(comp.fig.trt, id.vars=1:2)
colnames(comp.fig.trt)<-c("Treatment", "Time", "member", "cover")
# grouping factor for Time
comp.fig.trt$Time<-factor(comp.fig.trt$Time, levels=c("Before", "After4"))
#### Fig 6
Fig.stack.trt<-ggplot(comp.fig.trt, aes(x =Treatment, y=cover, fill = member)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity", colour="black") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent_format()) +
scale_fill_manual(values=stack.palette, labels=c("Invasive macroalgae", "Native macroalgae", "CCA", "Coral", "SBT"), guide = guide_legend(title = "Community members")) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("Control", "Algae removal\n + urchins")) +
ggtitle("Benthic cover over time") +
xlab(expression(bold("Treatment"))) +
ylab(expression(bold(paste("Benthic cover %")))) + facet_grid(.~Time)
# ggsave(file="figures/Fig.stack.trt.pdf")
First, check dataframe ALLdata. Make a new datarame named df and use this for diangostic plots, and run a for loop to insect data and model residuals. (code below)
# ALLdata = original unmodified proportion data
# use ALLdata dataframe for transformations and ANOVA assumptions
# reorganize columns in "ALLdata" and make "df" for subsequent use
df<-ALLdata[, c(1:7,18,8,10,11,15)]
# for loop for running model, inspecting residuals and diagnostic plots
for(i in 8:12){
full<-lmer(Y~Treatment*Time+(1|Reef/Habitat)+(1|Transect), data=df, na.action=na.exclude)
R <- resid(full) #save glm residuals
op<-par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar=c(5,4,1,2), pty="sq")
plot(full, add.smooth = FALSE, which=1)
QQ <- qqnorm(R, main = colnames(df)[i])
QQline <- qqline(R)
hist(R, xlab="Residuals", main = colnames(df)[i])
plot(df$Treatment, R, xlab="Treatment", ylab="Residuals")
plot(df$Time, R, xlab="Time", ylab="Residuals")
Most data has non-normal distribution, but Coral cover is normally distributed. ALl other metrics needs either an alternative model or a data transformation. To keep the nested structure of the data, transformations may be best option. Since data is proportion and distributed 0-1, an arc(sin) or square root transformation may improve.
- Test arc-sin squareroot transformations (code below)
Testing for season effects, should it be in the model?
Results below show season has no effect and does not need to be included in the model.
for(i in 8:12){
mod<-lm(var~Season, data=trans.df)
#### compare models
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: var
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Season 1 0.0209 0.020906 0.3451 0.5574
## Residuals 252 15.2645 0.060573
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: var
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Season 1 0.0224 0.022428 0.6875 0.4078
## Residuals 252 8.2206 0.032622
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: var
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Season 1 0.004 0.004022 0.0409 0.84
## Residuals 252 24.811 0.098456
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: var
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Season 1 0.0089 0.008871 0.0737 0.7863
## Residuals 252 30.3332 0.120370
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: var
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Season 1 0.0022 0.0022254 0.1402 0.7084
## Residuals 252 4.0004 0.0158746
# Invasive Algae
# dataframe for models is "trans.df"
full<-lmer(Inv.trans~Treatment*Time+(1|Reef/Habitat)+(1|Transect), data=trans.df)
# summary(full)
anova(full, type=2) # THIS is the stats table
## Analysis of Variance Table of type II with Satterthwaite
## approximation for degrees of freedom
## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value Pr(>F)
## Treatment 0.03090 0.03090 1 9.44 3.377 0.09773 .
## Time 1.47799 0.36950 4 195.04 40.389 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Treatment:Time 0.62948 0.15737 4 195.04 17.202 4.213e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# difflsmeans(full, test.effs="Treatment:Time", adjust=Tukey)
detach("package:lmerTest", unload=TRUE)
posthoc<-lsmeans(full, pairwise~Treatment|Time)
cld(posthoc, Letters=letters)
## Time = Before:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.42372061 0.06822913 10.37 0.273101548 0.5743397 a
## Control 0.44722332 0.07601657 10.74 0.279413120 0.6150335 a
## Time = After1:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.32752125 0.06822913 10.37 0.176902190 0.4781403 a
## Control 0.43512659 0.07601657 10.74 0.267316390 0.6029368 a
## Time = After2:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.23771653 0.06822913 10.37 0.087097474 0.3883356 a
## Control 0.49586948 0.07601657 10.74 0.328059281 0.6636797 b
## Time = After3:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.15192888 0.06822913 10.37 0.001309817 0.3025479 a
## Control 0.40082138 0.07601657 10.74 0.233011174 0.5686316 b
## Time = After4:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.09232811 0.06835166 10.44 -0.058561436 0.2432177 a
## Control 0.36816346 0.07601657 10.74 0.200353257 0.5359737 b
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05
# Coral
# random intercepts and random Treatment slope
full<-lmer(Coral.trans~Treatment*Time+(1|Reef/Habitat)+(1|Transect), data=trans.df, na.action=na.exclude)
# summary(full)
anova(full, type=2)
## Analysis of Variance Table of type II with Satterthwaite
## approximation for degrees of freedom
## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value Pr(>F)
## Treatment 0.000073 0.000073 1 9.048 0.056 0.817788
## Time 0.181239 0.045310 4 195.073 34.783 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Treatment:Time 0.020148 0.005037 4 195.070 3.867 0.004785 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# difflsmeans(full, test.effs="Treatment:Time", adjust=Tukey)
detach("package:lmerTest", unload=TRUE)
posthoc<-lsmeans(full, pairwise~Treatment|Time)
cld(posthoc, Letters=letters)
## Time = Before:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.3470514 0.1512674 9.07 0.005365835 0.6887369 a
## Control 0.4297208 0.1658077 9.09 0.055191245 0.8042503 a
## Time = After1:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.3796792 0.1512674 9.07 0.037993701 0.7213648 a
## Control 0.4343504 0.1658077 9.09 0.059820875 0.8088799 a
## Time = After2:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.4046645 0.1512674 9.07 0.062979004 0.7463501 a
## Control 0.4350118 0.1658077 9.09 0.060482250 0.8095413 a
## Time = After3:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.3826187 0.1512674 9.07 0.040933148 0.7243042 a
## Control 0.4406335 0.1658077 9.09 0.066103944 0.8151630 a
## Time = After4:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.4478915 0.1512753 9.07 0.106188133 0.7895949 a
## Control 0.4879218 0.1658077 9.09 0.113392303 0.8624514 a
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05
full<-lmer(CCA.trans~Treatment*Time+(1|Reef/Habitat)+(1|Transect), data=trans.df, na.action=na.exclude)
# summary(full)
anova(full, type=2)
## Analysis of Variance Table of type II with Satterthwaite
## approximation for degrees of freedom
## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value Pr(>F)
## Treatment 0.00045 0.000446 1 9.234 0.0448 0.83700
## Time 0.36611 0.091527 4 195.118 9.1937 7.958e-07 ***
## Treatment:Time 0.10378 0.025946 4 195.113 2.6062 0.03707 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# difflsmeans(full, test.effs="Treatment:Time", adjust=Tukey)
detach("package:lmerTest", unload=TRUE)
posthoc<-lsmeans(full, pairwise~Treatment|Time)
cld(posthoc, Letters=letters)
## Time = Before:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.1438659 0.05514784 11.02 0.02293476 0.2647971 a
## Control 0.1689543 0.06122437 11.34 0.03469820 0.3032104 a
## Time = After1:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.2128153 0.05514784 11.02 0.09188418 0.3337465 a
## Control 0.2180620 0.06122437 11.34 0.08380589 0.3523181 a
## Time = After2:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.1863114 0.06122437 11.34 0.05205525 0.3205675 a
## Treatment 0.2786011 0.05514784 11.02 0.15766995 0.3995323 a
## Time = After3:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.2566477 0.06122437 11.34 0.12239158 0.3909038 a
## Treatment 0.2585216 0.05514784 11.02 0.13759048 0.3794528 a
## Time = After4:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.2485502 0.06122437 11.34 0.11429409 0.3828063 a
## Treatment 0.2678387 0.05531026 11.15 0.14655138 0.3891260 a
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05
# Native Algae
full<-lmer(NatAlg.trans~Treatment*Time+(1|Reef/Habitat)+(1|Transect), data=trans.df, na.action=na.exclude)
# summary(full)
anova(full, type=2)
## Analysis of Variance Table of type II with Satterthwaite
## approximation for degrees of freedom
## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value Pr(>F)
## Treatment 0.000050 0.0000495 1 9.134 0.0146 0.9063
## Time 0.119538 0.0298846 4 195.244 8.8406 1.399e-06 ***
## Treatment:Time 0.026075 0.0065187 4 195.233 1.9284 0.1072
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# difflsmeans(full, test.effs="Treatment:Time", adjust=Tukey)
detach("package:lmerTest", unload=TRUE)
posthoc<-lsmeans(full, pairwise~Treatment|Time)
cld(posthoc, Letters=letters)
## Time = Before:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.16420960 0.05050659 10.07 0.051777037 0.2766422 a
## Treatment 0.16762638 0.04598801 9.97 0.065252608 0.2700001 a
## Time = After1:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.14440302 0.05050659 10.07 0.031970454 0.2568356 a
## Treatment 0.16363483 0.04598801 9.97 0.061261062 0.2660086 a
## Time = After2:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.14672492 0.04598801 9.97 0.044351156 0.2490987 a
## Control 0.14864030 0.05050659 10.07 0.036207738 0.2610729 a
## Time = After3:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.10705797 0.04598801 9.97 0.004684205 0.2094317 a
## Control 0.13012944 0.05050659 10.07 0.017696875 0.2425620 a
## Time = After4:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Treatment 0.09102489 0.04605151 10.03 -0.011490233 0.1935400 a
## Control 0.12960749 0.05050659 10.07 0.017174926 0.2420400 a
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05
# Abiotic
full<-lmer(Abio.trans~Treatment*Time+(1|Reef/Habitat)+(1|Transect), data=trans.df, na.action=na.exclude)
# summary(full)
anova(full, type=2)
## Analysis of Variance Table of type II with Satterthwaite
## approximation for degrees of freedom
## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value Pr(>F)
## Treatment 0.006966 0.0069658 1 8.992 0.51976 0.4893
## Time 0.072061 0.0180152 4 195.187 1.34422 0.2550
## Treatment:Time 0.047886 0.0119715 4 195.175 0.89326 0.4690
# difflsmeans(full, test.effs="Treatment:Time", adjust=Tukey)
detach("package:lmerTest", unload=TRUE)
posthoc<-lsmeans(full, pairwise~Treatment|Time)
cld(posthoc, Letters=letters)
## Time = Before:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.5220554 0.1476818 9.40 0.1901358 0.8539749 a
## Treatment 0.6207030 0.1346729 9.36 0.3180215 0.9233846 a
## Time = After1:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.4835475 0.1476818 9.40 0.1516279 0.8154670 a
## Treatment 0.6177565 0.1346729 9.36 0.3150750 0.9204381 a
## Time = After2:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.4465420 0.1476818 9.40 0.1146224 0.7784615 a
## Treatment 0.5940945 0.1346729 9.36 0.2914129 0.8967760 a
## Time = After3:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.4816033 0.1476818 9.40 0.1496838 0.8135228 a
## Treatment 0.6304689 0.1346729 9.36 0.3277874 0.9331505 a
## Time = After4:
## Treatment lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
## Control 0.4450180 0.1476818 9.40 0.1130985 0.7769375 a
## Treatment 0.6293096 0.1347583 9.39 0.3264362 0.9321830 a
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05