%% SIMPLE SOLUTON FOR CPG MODEL % The following parameters are described in % Yakovenko (2011) PBR PMID: 21333808 v = .1:.1:2.5; u = (v+0.1272)/0.2357; % from Yakovenko, 2011 Tc = 0.5445*v.^(-0.5925); % from Halbertsma, 1983 % INTEGRATOR OFFETS x01 = -0.0007; x02 = 2.4256; % INPUT PARAMETERS gu1 = 0.6203; gu2 = 0.4882; % AUTOGENIC LEAK OF STATE r11 = -0.0094; r22 = r11; % INITIAL CONDITIONS x1 = -1; x2 = 0; x3 = -.5; x4 = .5; % The relationship derrived in Yakovenko, Sobinov, Gritsenko (2018): Tc_sim = (x01+x02+(gu1+gu2)*u)./((x01+gu1*u).*(x02+gu2*u)); figure subplot(1,3,1) plot(v,Tc) hold on plot(v,Tc_sim,'r') ylim([0 2.5]) xlim([0 2.5]) axis square subplot(1,3,2) hold on plot([0 2.5],[0 2.5],'k') plot(Tc,Tc_sim,'r.') axis square ylim([0 2.5]) xlim([0 2.5]) [R,P] = corrcoef(Tc,Tc_sim); subplot(1,3,3) hold on plot([0 2.5],[0 2.5],'k') plot(v,u,'r.') xlim([0 2.5]) axis square