Edge attributes:? E-EVEX-build: The attribute represents the source of text-mining data; EVEX version 1 and 2. ? E-Number_of_Articles: The attribute represents the number of published articles ? E-number_of_Events: The attribute represents the number of interactions supporting the relationship between two genes/proteins.? E-Refined_Event_Type: The attribute represents a fine grained type of interaction between genes/proteins.? E-Sentence_URL: The attribute represents the sentence-level information supporting the interaction of genes/proteins.   ? E-Taxonomy_Distance_from_Synechocystis: The attribute represents studied organisms from literature and the calculated taxonomic distance from Synechocystis 6803. Strength: A similarity matrix was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient with a strength threshold of ±0.7 canonicalName: ID interaction ID Interaction: Type of an introduction; EVEX (binding, indirect_regulation, regulation), Y2H (Y2H), CoEx (pos_interaction)   Node attributes:? E-Family_Description: The attribute represents the consensus description of genes in the same family.  Function: Originated from Singh et al. [1] GeneralPathway: Originated from Singh et al. [1] SpecificPathway: Originated from Singh et al. [1] canonicalName: ID gene_id gene_definition source : This attribute represents the synechocystis gene locus symbol as "gene_id" and their associated gene definition. Cyanobase is the primary source for gene annotation. The "unknown protein" or "hypothetical protein" annotations by Cyanobase is substituted by the Gene family description gene_id gene_symbol : This attribute represents the "gene_id" and its associated gene symbols such as synonyms. The attribute is derived from the attribute "gene_id gene_definition source" in which unresolved "unknown gene" or "hypothetical protein" are marked as "#HYP"    Reference [1] . Singh AK, Elvitigala T, Cameron JC, Ghosh BK, Bhattacharyya-Pakrasi M, et al. (2010) Integrative analysis of large scale expression profiles reveals core transcriptional response and coordination between multiple cellular processes in a cyanobacterium. BMC Syst Biol 4: 105.