"Species" "Reference" "Trait" "B0" "E" "T_pk" "E_D" "R_Squared" "Barbus barbus" "O'Steen S. & A.F. Bennett. 2003. Thermal acclimation effects differ between voluntary, maximum, and critical swimming velocities in two cyprinid fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4), 484-496." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0042950521 0.7880430995 149.590273525 49.9988966483 0.7908645019 "Blennius pholis" "Wallace J.C. 1973. Observations on the relationship between the food consumption and metabolic rate of Blennius pholis L. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Comparative Physiology 45, 293-306." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 2.91552472662E-09 0.2972442275 50.4599094878 5.969617489 0.5676815434 "Carassius auratus" "Johnson T.P. & A.F.Bennett. 1995. The thermal acclimation of burst escape performance in fish: an integrated study of molecular and cellular physiology and organismal performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 198, 2165-2175." "In Vitro Muscle 50% Relaxation Time" 4.76077437594E-10 22.7720941159 6.5063835547 23.1712342011 0.7190897848 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L. A. & R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44, 23-34." "Consumer Attack Error Probability" 0.0484006932 0.7093567493 34.6487706934 47.5748259639 -0.0132582103 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L. A. & R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44, 23-34." "Resource Escape Response Probability" 0.0026483082 1.8808515595 19.9201140385 24.4461193217 -0.0732968029 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L. A. & R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44, 23-34." "Successful Attack Probability" 36.5586395337 0.001599414 37.3788010508 0.001634984 -0.0119542247 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Attack Body Velocity" 0.0216039974 1.1966961563 12.4432257281 7.0473853207 -0.0546220314 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "In Vitro Muscle Contraction Duration" 289251941.796 17.9627083857 -6.1713158486 18.1074680632 0.600745874 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "In Vitro Muscle Strain Rate" 289612659.488 15.848032108 -7.1104063975 16.1746104218 0.4523233611 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "In Vitro Muscle Strain" 3.80704114855E-05 14.6599378211 5.3265719493 15.1301041098 0.8190215651 "Dicentrarchus labrax" "Person-Le Ruyet, J., Mahe, K., Le Bayon, N. & Le Delliou, H. 2004. Effects of temperature on growth and metabolism in a Mediterranean population of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Aquaculture 237, 269-280." "Food Mass Conversion Efficiency" 0.2023763577 0.5257314091 23.6235052583 2.0294456702 0.9325531064 "Dicentrarchus labrax" "Person-Le Ruyet, J., Mahe, K., Le Bayon, N. & Le Delliou, H. 2004. Effects of temperature on growth and metabolism in a Mediterranean population of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Aquaculture 237, 269-280." "Individual Mass Growth Rate" 3.61025943852E-10 1.3475449753 25.8236806151 2.3769031404 0.9965154763 "Fundulus heteroclitus" "Johnson T.P. & A.F.Bennett. 1995. The thermal acclimation of burst escape performance in fish: an integrated study of molecular and cellular physiology and organismal performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 198, 2165-2175." "In Vitro Muscle 50% Relaxation Time" 9.34658462351E-10 22.3072774069 6.4150037241 22.7504488696 0.9059854528 "Gadus morhua" "Fuiman L. A. & R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44, 23-34." "Consumer Attack Error Probability" 2.5064603475E-05 9.796298538 11.9264616592 9.7971175897 -0.0622088111 "Gadus morhua" "Fuiman L. A. & R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44, 23-34." "Resource Escape Response Probability" 2.31609234884E-07 9.2428291074 12.4222330466 9.2961988928 -0.2861743511 "Gadus morhua" "Fuiman L. A. & R.S. Batty. 1994. Susceptibility of Atlantic herring and plaice larvae to predation by juvenile cod and herring at two constant temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 44, 23-34." "Successful Attack Probability" 0.0001054963 7.4930168532 10.7432495926 17.5885233486 0.0558991457 "Gadus morhua" "Tyler A.V. 1970. Rates of gastric emptying in young cod. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 27, 1177-1189." "Gut Clearance Time" 3475842.42529 29.9999755905 0.321030672 30.5061308648 0.8692888058 "Gadus morhua" "Tyler A.V. 1970. Rates of gastric emptying in young cod. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 27, 1177-1189." "Linear-Linear Gut Clearance Rate" 9.73844042748E-06 0.9020221578 15.1945550305 3.2376428396 0.9850918772 "Perca fluviatilis" "Bergman E. 1987. Temperature-dependent differences in foraging ability of two percids, Perca fluviatilis and Gymnocephalus cernuus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19(1), 45-53." "Resource Consumption Rate" 0.0854167823 0.8498896566 19.1311380152 25.3000451969 0.5877533744 "Perca fluviatilis" "Bergman E. 1987. Temperature-dependent differences in foraging ability of two percids, Perca fluviatilis and Gymnocephalus cernuus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19(1), 45-53." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0019908122 1.2767181456 81.7928640221 7.5813521601 0.8060509856 "Perca fluviatilis" "Persson L. 1979. The effects of temperature and different food organisms on the rate of gastric evacuation in perch (Perca fluviatilis). Freshwater Biology 9, 99-104." "Instantaneous Digestion Mass Rate" 4.73226400446E-12 0.9853832694 26.9595664601 48.4506265602 0.9968042767 "Perca fluviatilis" "Persson L. 1986. Temperature-induced shift in foraging ability in two fish species, roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis): implications for coexistence between poikilotherms. Journal of Animal Ecology 55, 829-839." "Resource Consumption Rate" 0.2529746683 0.44384612 32.6550943996 37.0964740955 0.2996195818 "Phoxinus phoxinus" "Wootton R.J., J.R.M. Allen, and S.J. Cole. 1980. Effect of body weight and temperature on the maximum daily food consumption of Gasterosteus aceleatus L. and Phozinus phoxinus (L.): selecting an appropriate model. J. Fish. Biol. 17:695-705" "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 8.98133432208E-10 0.6333945484 59.9269785136 5.7739026698 0.1607970998 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Edwards D.J. 1971. Effect of temperature on rate of passage of food through the alimentary canal of the plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. Journal of Fish Biology 3, 433-439." "Gut Clearance Time" 66254495.7332 29.999991477 -0.4530273997 30.479809759 0.9383541316 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Edwards D.J. 1971. Effect of temperature on rate of passage of food through the alimentary canal of the plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. Journal of Fish Biology 3, 433-439." "Gut Passage Time" 96761.1751676 1E-05 139.960670538 39.6426593725 -0.167818578 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Jobling M. & P.S. Davies. 1979. Gastric evacuation in plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L.: effects of temperature and meal size. Journal of Fish Biology 14, 539-546." "Gut Clearance Time" 80.6473742614 29.9998257071 2.6421207371 30.4902792065 0.9426205222 "Ptychocheilus oregonensis" "Steigenberger L.W. & P.A. Larkin. 1974. Feeding activity and rates of digestion of northern squawfish (Ptychocheilus oregonensis). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 31, 411-420." "Instantaneous Digestion Mass Rate" 3.79374806305E-09 1.0637800733 88.5560238115 22.0955235071 0.7765569567 "Puntius schwanenfeldii" "O'Steen S. & A.F. Bennett. 2003. Thermal acclimation effects differ between voluntary, maximum, and critical swimming velocities in two cyprinid fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4), 484-496." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 3.93871662693E-11 8.6507420696 28.0251870271 8.6507581146 0.198250192 "Rutilus rutilus" "Persson L. 1986. Temperature-induced shift in foraging ability in two fish species, roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis): implications for coexistence between poikilotherms. Journal of Animal Ecology 55, 829-839." "Resource Consumption Rate" 0.0836805029 0.8376189726 33.0044830628 47.8357746918 0.5533370202 "Salmo salar" "Peterson R.H. & J.M. Anderson. 1969. Influence of temperature change on spontaneous locomotor activity and oxygen consumption of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, acclimated to two temperatures. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 26, 93-109." "Point-Encounter Rate" 0.0061665931 0.8304326619 52.9786313794 43.5305880361 0.6810302818 "Salmo trutta" "Elliott J.M. 1972. Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwater Biology 2, 1-18." "Digestion Time 50%" 730872.151781 0.7284410845 -9.9999999958 1.5111282421 0.4944403589 "Salmo trutta" "Elliott J.M. 1972. Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwater Biology 2, 1-18." "Digestion Time 75%" 69819.509551 6.454909238 2.4872866552 7.2217513477 0.4923670388 "Salmo trutta" "Elliott J.M. 1972. Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwater Biology 2, 1-18." "Digestion Time 90%" 1855801.42022 3.5150738036 -0.9172052861 4.2810820009 0.4933588816 "Salmo trutta" "Elliott J.M. 1972. Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwater Biology 2, 1-18." "Digestion Time 99%" 394.457606274 15.1054403702 4.109437015 15.8710806164 0.4929606255 "Salmo trutta" "Elliott J.M. 1972. Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwater Biology 2, 1-18." "Undigested Mass" 4.80691256835E-06 3.3727514762 7.6954907347 5.7456275364 -0.0710631575 "Salvelinus fontinalis" "Baldwin N.S. 1957. Food consumption and growth of brook trout at different temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 86(1), 323-328." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 1.15623206304E-07 0.3490485491 14.4066003034 6.6530079218 0.0860689727 "Salvelinus malma" "Kishi D., M. Murakami, S. Nakano & K. Maekawa. 2005. Water temperature determines strength of top-down control in a stream food web. Freshwater Biology 50, 1315-1322." "Resource Consumption Rate" 8.79246548067E-07 9.6800153249 5.9236594082 10.1576711195 0.7838589231 "Salvelinus malma" "Kishi D., M. Murakami, S. Nakano & K. Maekawa. 2005. Water temperature determines strength of top-down control in a stream food web. Freshwater Biology 50, 1315-1322." "Resource Consumption Rate" 0.0027216924 0.9115254136 10.8981204014 2.7488282851 0.1325408693 "Sciaenops ocellatus" "Fuiman L. A. & D.R. Ottey. 1993. Temperature effects on spontaneous behaviour of larval and juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus, and implications for foraging. Fishery Bulletin 91, 23-35." "Foraging Pause Rate" 1.96271308109E-08 7.2967300713 17.7453706019 7.3911577104 -0.0714864299 "Sciaenops ocellatus" "Fuiman L. A. & D.R. Ottey. 1993. Temperature effects on spontaneous behaviour of larval and juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus, and implications for foraging. Fishery Bulletin 91, 23-35." "Voluntary Moving Time" 73.8362635448 0.3006440657 61.7893942583 6.979892967 0.1219394017 "Sciaenops ocellatus" "Fuiman L. A. & D.R. Ottey. 1993. Temperature effects on spontaneous behaviour of larval and juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus, and implications for foraging. Fishery Bulletin 91, 23-35." "Voluntary Pause Time" 8.01051748266E-07 7.0912889431 18.0643035461 8.2191931408 -0.0363858988 "Stizostedion vitreum" "Johnston T.A & J.A. Mathias. 1994. The effects of temperature on feeding in zooplankivorous walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, larvae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 40, 189-198." "Attack Number Rate" 0.0149988151 0.2885639152 150 1.9233236487 0.0197211546 "Stizostedion vitreum" "Johnston T.A & J.A. Mathias. 1994. The effects of temperature on feeding in zooplankivorous walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, larvae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 40, 189-198." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 1.06241506209E-17 7.8473104771 26.1516963065 7.847327551 -0.118643089 "Stizostedion vitreum" "Johnston T.A & J.A. Mathias. 1994. The effects of temperature on feeding in zooplankivorous walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, larvae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 40, 189-198." "Successful Attack Probability" 2597.98959143 1.01844497406E-05 147.548795298 25.1256495777 -161705202.74 "Argopecten purpuratus" "Navarro J.M., G.E. Leiva, G. Martinez & C. Aguilera. 2000. Interactive effects of diet and temperature on the scope for growth of the scallop Argopecten purpuratus during reproductive conditioning . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 247," "Filtration Rate" 2.63010780885E-05 1.14761844189E-05 30.1969694553 19.6307827263 -65.21322317 "Cardium lamarcki" "Brock V. & L.H. Kofoed. 1987. Species specific irrigatiory efficiency in Cardium (Cerastoderm) edule (L.) and C. lamarcki (Reeve) responding to different environmental temperatures. Biological Oceanography 4(3), 211-226." "Filtration Metabolic Efficiency Volume" 347.010595349 24.1805050255 1.8806587954 24.2518485278 -0.038016483 "Cardium lamarcki" "Brock V. & L.H. Kofoed. 1987. Species specific irrigatiory efficiency in Cardium (Cerastoderm) edule (L.) and C. lamarcki (Reeve) responding to different environmental temperatures. Biological Oceanography 4(3), 211-226." "Filtration Rate" 1.79115576176E-08 0.6199180408 27.0732414753 37.4172413278 0.6223064012 "Cerastoderma edule" "Brock V. & L.H. Kofoed. 1987. Species specific irrigatiory efficiency in Cardium (Cerastoderm) edule (L.) and C. lamarcki (Reeve) responding to different environmental temperatures. Biological Oceanography 4(3), 211-226." "Filtration Metabolic Efficiency Volume" 2.8790432622 15.1063164519 4.3162161323 15.8364456798 0.5593410558 "Cerastoderma edule" "Brock V. & L.H. Kofoed. 1987. Species specific irrigatiory efficiency in Cardium (Cerastoderm) edule (L.) and C. lamarcki (Reeve) responding to different environmental temperatures. Biological Oceanography 4(3), 211-226." "Filtration Rate" 3.05624435488E-08 0.443163779 20.2923879577 3.462277875 0.2524953218 "Crassostrea virginica" "Feng S.Y. & W. van Winkle. 1975. The effect of temperature and salinity on the heart beat of Crassostrea virginica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Comparative Physiology 50, 473-476." "Feeding Heart Beat Rate" 0.0138947088 0.9742263125 21.9597767396 4.1218253971 0.4261494033 "Crassostrea virginica" "Feng S.Y. & W. van Winkle. 1975. The effect of temperature and salinity on the heart beat of Crassostrea virginica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Comparative Physiology 50, 473-476." "Feeding Heart Beat Rate" 0.0090498757 1.5802202114 28.5352651614 1.644620752 0.4125801132 "Dreissena polymorpha" "Lei J., B.S. Payne & S.Y. Wang. 1996. Filtration dynamics of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 53, 29-37." "In Vitro Gill Beat Rate" 1.3985696289 0.518658837 21.7399061579 24.8195309731 0.7705103792 "Dreissena polymorpha" "Lei J., B.S. Payne & S.Y. Wang. 1996. Filtration dynamics of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 53, 29-37." "Mass-Specific Mass Clearance Rate" 9.43932947815E-07 0.500519535 23.3664478548 7.4341800761 0.920595208 "Hiatella arctica" "Ali R.M. 1970. The influence of suspension and temperature on the filtration rate of Hiatella arctica. Marine Biology 6, 291-302." "Mass-Specific Filtration Rate" 3.50599340702E-07 1.1270701552 14.4688442006 5.0976699762 0.8529813387 "Modiolus modiolus" "Jorgensen C.B., P.S. Larsen & H.U. Riisgard. 1990. Effects of temperature on the mussel pump. Marine Ecology Progress Series 64, 89-97." "In Vitro Gill Beat Rate" 4.695E-06 9.44527975 21.4338587402 9.4452908046 0.8082250534 "Mya arenaria" "Riisgard H.U. & D.F. Seerup. 2003. Filtration rates in the soft clam Mya arenaria: effects of temperature and body size. Sarsia 88, 415-428." "Filtration Rate" 3.51847471753E-07 1.1823115147 22.5369647392 1.2554919582 0.4853381958 "Mytilus californianus" "Rao K.P. 1953. Rate of water propulsion in Mytilus californianus as a function of latitude. Biological Bulletin 104(2), 171-181." "Filtration Rate" 9.83377752258E-08 0.7753360229 106.081357076 22.3771633034 0.7900037518 "Mytilus californianus" "Rao K.P. 1953. Rate of water propulsion in Mytilus californianus as a function of latitude. Biological Bulletin 104(2), 171-181." "Filtration Rate" 6.28882517845E-08 1.1292663322 20.3738370582 4.0243444187 0.9507661372 "Mytilus californianus" "Rao K.P. 1953. Rate of water propulsion in Mytilus californianus as a function of latitude. Biological Bulletin 104(2), 171-181." "Filtration Rate" 2.25E-07 0.5770009734 26.6776561218 29.4323228402 0.5617765205 "Mytilus edulis" "Jorgensen C.B. 1975. On gill function in the mussel Mytilus edulis L. Ophelia 13, 187-232." "In Vitro Gill Particle Transport Velocity" 0.0001811276 0.4754796292 19.6823292101 48.4124516751 0.8823257711 "Mytilus edulis" "Jorgensen C.B., P.S. Larsen & H.U. Riisgard. 1990. Effects of temperature on the mussel pump. Marine Ecology Progress Series 64, 89-97." "Filtration Rate" 3.06688868871E-07 1.3323632554 55.7305415014 1.3325687519 0.4600311548 "Mytilus edulis" "Jorgensen C.B., P.S. Larsen & H.U. Riisgard. 1990. Effects of temperature on the mussel pump. Marine Ecology Progress Series 64, 89-97." "Surface Area-Specific Foraging Gill Filtration Rate" 0.0003648708 0.3756263534 45.7420344808 41.9284559736 0.7902990551 "Mytilus edulis" "Kittner C. & H.U. Riisgard. 2005. Effect of temperature on filtration rate in the mussel Mytilus edulis: no evidence for temperature compensation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 305, 147-152." "Filtration Rate" 5.95073417124E-07 0.5044944674 19.2617910108 1.3668918695 0.8149572028 "Mytilus edulis" "Widdows J. 1973. Effect of temperature and food on the heart beat, ventilation rate and oxygen uptake of Mytilus edulis. Marine Biology 20, 269-276." "Feeding Heart Beat Rate" 0.0768199436 0.6412274957 24.5667156075 4.090763069 0.9173708556 "Mytilus edulis" "Widdows J. 1973. Effect of temperature and food on the heart beat, ventilation rate and oxygen uptake of Mytilus edulis. Marine Biology 20, 269-276." "Filtration Rate" 1.47963864912E-08 2.0245187221 23.5466584448 34.759385569 0.7919124738 "NA" "Gray J. 1923. The mechanism of ciliary movement. III. the effect of temperature. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 95(664), 6-15." "In Vitro Gill Particle Transport Velocity" 0.000101633 0.599367967 31.853544856 7.1528392377 0.994705273 "Ostrea edulis" "Newell R.C., L.G. Johson & L.H. Kofoed. 1977. Adjustment of the components of energy balance in response to temperature change in Ostrea edulis. Oecologia 30, 97-110." "Filtration Metabolic Efficiency Volume" 0.0001650651 19.5263584092 6.6323849181 20.1322129583 -0.0058917718 "Ostrea edulis" "Newell R.C., L.G. Johson & L.H. Kofoed. 1977. Adjustment of the components of energy balance in response to temperature change in Ostrea edulis. Oecologia 30, 97-110." "Filtration Rate" 4.48427836673E-10 2.1638613282 19.1722759232 2.5593240436 -0.0170897974 "Acromyrmex versicolor" "Hurlbert A., F. Ballantyne & S. Powell 2008. Shaking a leg and hot to trot: the effects of body size and temperature on running speed in ants. Ecological Entomology 33, 144-154." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0023893579 0.5599142034 31.024613155 18.2725147646 0.445386808 "Acroneuria californica" "Heiman D.R. & A.W. Knight. 1975. The influence of temperature on the bioenergetics of the carnivorous stonefly nymph, Acroneuria californica Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Ecology 56, 105-116." "Food Assimilation Efficiency" 4.86927317821E-14 24.567769152 8.8832774799 24.9744461401 0.1965784805 "Acroneuria californica" "Heiman D.R. & A.W. Knight. 1975. The influence of temperature on the bioenergetics of the carnivorous stonefly nymph, Acroneuria californica Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Ecology 56, 105-116." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 7.42274043117E-15 5.4420775816 14.0627772321 5.4789092624 0.04164221 "Anisops deanei" "Bailey P.C.E. 1988. The effect of density and temperature on the swimming and aggregating behaviour of the backswimmer, Anisops deanei (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) and subsequent encounter rate with a sit-and-wait predator. Ethology 77, 44-57." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0017874863 0.1894586736 146.867685099 47.9759528664 0.010092309 "Anisops deanei" "Bailey P.C.E. 1988. The effect of density and temperature on the swimming and aggregating behaviour of the backswimmer, Anisops deanei (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) and subsequent encounter rate with a sit-and-wait predator. Ethology 77, 44-57." "Voluntary Moving Probability" 0.0339722514 0.2772315041 149.97101056 1.8487904578 0.3150664869 "Anisops deanei" "Bailey P.C.E. 1988. The effect of density and temperature on the swimming and aggregating behaviour of the backswimmer, Anisops deanei (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) and subsequent encounter rate with a sit-and-wait predator. Ethology 77, 44-57." "Voluntary Stroke Rate" 0.192536785 0.2975757022 86.4518454027 13.0633593043 0.1751520704 "Anisopteromalus calandrae" "Menon A., P.W. Flinn & B.A. Dover. 2002. Influence of temperature on the functional response of Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 38:463-469." "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 2.76256521191E-08 2.4053819003 35.8164048922 2.4474653364 0.0360206648 "Anisopteromalus calandrae" "Smith L. 1994. Temperature influences functional response of Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitizing maize weevil larvae in shelled corn. Annuals of the Entomological Society of America 87(6), 849-855." "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 9.71638510117E-06 0.4233522608 47.8678460158 20.7208807061 0.0489611568 "Aphaenogaster senilis" "Ledoux P.A. 1967. Action de la temperature sur l�activite d�Aphaenogaster senilis (Testaceo-Pilosa) Mayr (Hym. Formicoidea). Insectes Sociaux 14, 131-156." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0014997558 0.6957938701 106.679448662 3.8385567672 0.4893747574 "Aphis gossypii" "Zamani, A. A., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y. & Baniameri, V. 2006. Effect of temperature on biology and population growth parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) on greenhouse cucumber. Journal of Applied Entomology 130, 453-460." "Development Time" 0.2006326383 21.3646686992 6.0962713096 21.9678686914 0.9690896543 "Aphis gossypii" "Zamani, A. A., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y. & Baniameri, V. 2006. Effect of temperature on biology and population growth parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) on greenhouse cucumber. Journal of Applied Entomology 130, 453-460." "Generation Time" 0.0824183351 20.8886688752 6.6300569949 21.4302700971 0.9887228379 "Aphis gossypii" "Zamani, A. A., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y. & Baniameri, V. 2006. Effect of temperature on biology and population growth parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) on greenhouse cucumber. Journal of Applied Entomology 130, 453-460." "Longevity" 1139427.22186 0.051818249 28.4707327403 32.76643174 0.9089533313 "Aphis gossypii" "Zamani, A. A., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y. & Baniameri, V. 2006. Effect of temperature on biology and population growth parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) on greenhouse cucumber. Journal of Applied Entomology 130, 453-460." "Mortality Rate" 5.35632686153E-08 0.4564562258 147.086947864 41.2195106902 0.2501327402 "Aphis gossypii" "Zamani, A. A., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y. & Baniameri, V. 2006. Effect of temperature on biology and population growth parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) on greenhouse cucumber. Journal of Applied Entomology 130, 453-460." "Population Growth Rate" 6.81559496687E-08 1.6318385307 25.037486164 2.052953298 0.9964478968 "Atta colombica" "Hurlbert A., F. Ballantyne & S. Powell 2008. Shaking a leg and hot to trot: the effects of body size and temperature on running speed in ants. Ecological Entomology 33, 144-154." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0045212371 0.5598608856 37.7874773396 14.0554033596 -0.0274155641 "Atta colombica" "Lighton J.R.B., G.A. Bartholomew & D.H. Feener 1987. Energetics of locomotion and load carriage and a model of the energy cost of foraging in the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica Guer. Physiological Zoology 60, 524 -537." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0012410246 0.9437917549 31.0015526217 50 0.7466068885 "Bactrocera correcta" "Liu, X. F. & Ye, H. 2009. Effect of temperature on development and survival of Bactrocera correcta (Diptera: Tephritidae). Scientific Research and Essays 4, 467-472." "Development Time" 4.08991663675E-05 14.4872700917 12.7879102965 14.8991741147 0.1316388617 "Bembidion lampros" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Foraging Probability" 0.0048188084 1.0886731265 28.573308101 17.6680204749 0.9399740622 "Bembidion lampros" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Intraspecific Confrontation Probability" 0.002779263 1.3894302996 22.9939790765 1.4526067245 0.2136733652 "Bembidion lampros" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.29519358721E-05 0.7147545097 48.0396933713 20.3069525778 0.3777659922 "Bembidion lampros" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Resource Habitat Encounter Rate" 6.26632165088E-05 1.444262625 28.3848386098 17.0454244331 0.8950744069 "Bembidion lampros" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Voluntary Walk/Run Probability" 0.0679802418 0.5870271185 22.5391161585 3.5095018675 0.6965754604 "Bembidion quadrimaculatum" "Grafius E. & F.W. Warner. 1989. Predation by Bembidion quadrimaculatum (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on Delia antiqua (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Environmental Entomology 18(6), 1056-1059." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.15636974684E-06 0.8595268495 36.1792194167 49.5420020293 0.8258309939 "Brachycentrus americanus" "Gallepp G.W. 1977. Responses of caddisfly larvae (Brachycentrus spp.) to temperature, food availability and current velocity. American Midland Naturalist 98(1), 59-84." "Population Filter-Feeding Probability" 0.7412186784 0.0711374689 21.2372384568 4.636695606 0.7932829913 "Brachycentrus occidentalis" "Gallepp G.W. 1977. Responses of caddisfly larvae (Brachycentrus spp.) to temperature, food availability and current velocity. American Midland Naturalist 98(1), 59-84." "Population Filter-Feeding Probability" 0.4377488677 0.3102271434 17.3112168057 1.6501981764 0.5747018426 "Cardiochiles philippinensis" "Runjie Z, K.H. Heong & I.T. Domingo. 1996. Relationship between temperature and functional response in Cardiochiles philippinensis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a larvae parasitoid of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Environmental Entomology 25(6):1321-1324" "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 2.97194365804E-42 24.1929178771 25.6854911422 24.97888272 0.0467779285 "Cataglyphis bicolor" "Harkness R.D. 1979. The speed of walking of Cataglyphis bicolor (F.) (Hym., Formicidae). Entomologist�s Monthly Magazine 114, 203-209." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0541083245 0.2251059517 60.5028388277 0.9570100081 0.6110738501 "Celithemis fasciata" "Gresens S.E., M.L. Cothran & J.H. Thorp. 1982. The influence of temperature on the functional response of the dragonfly Celithemis fasciata (Odonata: Libellulidae). Oecologia 53, 281:284." "Resource Consumption Rate" 3.51626096217E-05 0.6387984784 113.999257188 29.8128876654 0.3219255379 "Cephalonomia waterstoni" "Flinn P.W. 1991. Temperature-dependent functional response of the parasitoid Cephalonomia waterstoni (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) attacking rusty grain beetle larvae (Coleoptera: Cucujidae). Environmental Entomology 20(3), 872-876." "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 2.05601027313E-05 0.1803109426 33.0065440273 4.7871679362 -0.044667076 "Chaoborus americanus" "Fedorenko A.Y. 1975. Feeding characteristic and predation impact of Chaoborus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) larvae in a small lake. Limnology and Oceanography 20(2), 250-258." "Resource Consumption Rate" 6.16741577105E-06 1.080798609 19.2579916701 49.9999999993 0.0340952372 "Chaoborus trivittatus" "Fedorenko A.Y. 1975. Feeding characteristic and predation impact of Chaoborus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) larvae in a small lake. Limnology and Oceanography 20(2), 250-258." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.29164720748E-15 29.9999999678 6.2411554036 30.4275342614 -0.0535965095 "Cicindela hybrida" "Dreisig H. 1981. The rate of predation and its temperature dependence in a tiger beetle, Cicindela hybrida. Oikos 36, 196-202." "Foraging Probability" 0.0032900869 1.3524161989 38.6115607764 1.7260116013 0.9199704384 "Cicindela hybrida" "Dreisig H. 1981. The rate of predation and its temperature dependence in a tiger beetle, Cicindela hybrida. Oikos 36, 196-202." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0018222489 1.015322025 33.3430261914 1.2645719555 0.2210156259 "Cicindela hybrida" "Dreisig H. 1981. The rate of predation and its temperature dependence in a tiger beetle, Cicindela hybrida. Oikos 36, 196-202." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.319E-06 1.5609560038 33.5391602114 4.1710954137 0.9645881136 "Cicindela hybrida" "Dreisig H. 1981. The rate of predation and its temperature dependence in a tiger beetle, Cicindela hybrida. Oikos 36, 196-202." "Subjugation-through-Consumption Duration" 1.93953931417E-31 23.7717326324 23.6851188751 23.9251056652 -0.0122557167 "Cicindela hybrida" "Dreisig H. 1981. The rate of predation and its temperature dependence in a tiger beetle, Cicindela hybrida. Oikos 36, 196-202." "Successful Attack Probability" 5.3338705178 4.799677306 2.9992145339 4.9260302971 0.0104247703 "Coleomegilla fuscilabris" "Oertli J.J. 1989. Relationship of wing beat frequency and temperature during take-off flight in temperate-zone beetles. Journal of Experimental Biology 145, 321-338." "Voluntary Wing Beat Rate" 76.2007711073 0.0548548974 149.438525501 1.4245354212 0.0265240103 "Culicoides variipennis" "Linley J.R. 1986. Swimming behaviour of the larva of Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratapogonidae) and its relationship to temperature and velocity. Journal of Medical Entomology 23(5), 473-483." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0021608216 0.5241426557 143.829949367 3.5299211264 0.6758468997 "Culicoides variipennis" "Linley J.R. 1986. Swimming behaviour of the larva of Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratapogonidae) and its relationship to temperature and velocity. Journal of Medical Entomology 23(5), 473-483." "Voluntary Tail Beat Rate" 2.7893421577 0.4150775286 58.7018584324 42.3721143755 0.9006147994 "Cydia pomonella" "Aghdam, H. R., Fathipour, Y., Radjabi, G. & Rezapanah, M. 2009. Temperature-dependent development and temperature thresholds of codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Iran. Environmental Entomology 38, 885-895." "Development Time" 0.0014941664 17.6642051569 9.4721065234 18.2717064505 0.5274758106 "Dahlbominus fuscipennis" "Burnett T. 1951. Effects of temperature and host density on the rate of increase of an insect parasite. The American Naturalist 85(825), 337-352." "Egg-Per-Host Parasitization Rate" 0.0001646538 0.1171103577 117.961722974 1.8579581939 0.2651480251 "Dahlbominus fuscipennis" "Burnett T. 1951. Effects of temperature and host density on the rate of increase of an insect parasite. The American Naturalist 85(825), 337-352." "Eggs-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 2.29154225569E-06 1.1776672595 140.978583136 47.0595157687 0.2634431721 "Dahlbominus fuscipennis" "Burnett T. 1951. Effects of temperature and host density on the rate of increase of an insect parasite. The American Naturalist 85(825), 337-352." "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 1.68E-07 1.0526935278 136.813431941 49.9635433442 0.2062730851 "Dorymyrmex goetschi" "Torres-Contreras H. & R.A. Vasquez 2004. A field experiment on the influence of load transportation and patch distance on the locomotion velocity of Dorymyrmex goetschi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 51, 265-270." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0001745367 1.9468484472 55.1062907025 1.9471293942 0.352107851 "Dorymyrmex goetschi" "Torres-Contreras H. & R.A. Vasquez 2004. A field experiment on the influence of load transportation and patch distance on the locomotion velocity of Dorymyrmex goetschi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 51, 265-270." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0046176765 0.3468349149 58.485294426 35.5253284766 0.4382741705 "Euplectrus ronnai" "Yamamoto, A. C., Doetzer, A. K. & Foerster, L. A. 1998. Effect of temperature on the development of Euplectrus ronnai (Brethes) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) parasitizing Pseudaletia sequax Franclemont (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and impact of parasitism on food consumption of the host larvae. Acta. Biol. Par., Curitiba 27(1,2,3,4):85-95." "Development Time" 0.1734598636 14.3779907772 9.2254965457 15.2499896006 0.9212539234 "Euplectrus ronnai" "Yamamoto, A. C., Doetzer, A. K. & Foerster, L. A. 1998. Effect of temperature on the development of Euplectrus ronnai (Brethes) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) parasitizing Pseudaletia sequax Franclemont (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and impact of parasitism on food consumption of the host larvae. Acta. Biol. Par., Curitiba 27(1,2,3,4):85-95." "Mortality Rate" 3.58195046214E-08 0.2948283556 109.646548248 24.9507234051 0.4076549347 "Formica rufa" "Holt S.J. 1955. On the foraging activity of the wood ant. Journal of Animal Ecology 24, 1-34." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0026931356 0.6022090029 20.2716749743 7.9376772123 0.8864326576 "Formica schaufussi" "Traniello J.F.A., M.S. Fujita & R.V. Bowen. 1984. Ant foraging behaviour: ambient temperature influences prey selection. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 15, 65-68." "Resource Size Capture Intent Acceptance Probability" 3.53608082119E-05 3.3295891995 29.1490888993 3.4405288429 0.9697804537 "Geocoris bullatus" "Chow T., G.E. Long & G. Tamaki. 1983. Effects of temperature and hunger on the functional response of Geocoris bullatus (Say) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) to Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) density. Environmental Entomology 12, 1332-1338." "Handling Duration" 79.9814304357 8.4306151051 4.9573208324 8.6834854153 0.3878773715 "Geocoris bullatus" "Chow T., G.E. Long & G. Tamaki. 1983. Effects of temperature and hunger on the functional response of Geocoris bullatus (Say) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) to Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) density. Environmental Entomology 12, 1332-1338." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.39993606764E-05 0.7140877762 144.215696889 45.2352697552 0.4132966191 "Geocoris punctipes" "Crocker R.L, W.H. Whitcomb & R.M. Ray. 1975. Effects of sex, developmental stage, and temperature on predation by Geocoris punctipes. Environmental Entomology 4(4), 531-534." "Resource Consumption Rate" 3.32820869199E-06 1.0043108851 110.550653854 1.0048683072 0.2435532487 "Glyptapanteles muesebecki" "Foerster, L. A., Avanci, M. d. R. F. & Doetzer, A. K. 1999. Effect of temperature on the development and progeny production of Glyptapanteles muesebecki (Blanchard) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitizing larvae of Pseudaletia sequax Franclemont (Lepidopte" "Development Time" 0.1699729395 14.9742566253 9.0033517703 15.6707477082 0.6141871518 "Hemicordulia tau" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.60213099168E-09 10.9186365533 15.5071660643 10.9186371531 -0.2236510085 "Hexagenia limbata" "Zimmerman M.C. & T.E. Wissing. 1978. Effects of temperature on gut-loading and gut-clearing times of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata. Freshwater Biology 8, 269-277." "Faecal Excretion Rate" 5.16718579726E-11 0.3734044677 55.8793710419 49.7658667743 0.0972173774 "Hexagenia limbata" "Zimmerman M.C. & T.E. Wissing. 1978. Effects of temperature on gut-loading and gut-clearing times of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata. Freshwater Biology 8, 269-277." "Gut Loading Time" 1.3274776303 17.2063326893 5.3773360392 17.6577798102 0.9704006635 "Hexagenia limbata" "Zimmerman M.C. & T.E. Wissing. 1978. Effects of temperature on gut-loading and gut-clearing times of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata. Freshwater Biology 8, 269-277." "Gut Passage Time" 16.081710037 24.4430953303 3.261900905 24.8030895856 0.9607040742 "Hexagenia limbata" "Zimmerman M.C. & T.E. Wissing. 1978. Effects of temperature on gut-loading and gut-clearing times of the burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata. Freshwater Biology 8, 269-277." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 5.57433031227E-11 0.4521297751 47.2534678892 43.9001326763 0.1926975753 "Hyles lineata" "Casey T.M. 1976. Activity patterns, body temperature and thermal ecology in two desert caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ecology 57(3), 485-497." "Bite Rate" 0.4687404265 0.4312484594 54.1057520276 48.984401216 0.8221324153 "Hyles lineata" "Casey T.M. 1976. Activity patterns, body temperature and thermal ecology in two desert caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ecology 57(3), 485-497." "Population Foraging Probability" 0.0002224994 3.3304860258 21.7353991217 3.7927859245 0.6187897273 "Ischnura elegans" "Thompson D.J. 1978. Towards a realistic predator-prey model: the effect of temperature on the functional response and life history of larvae of the damselfly, Ischnura elegans. Journal of Animal Ecology 47, 757-767." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.39925861314E-05 0.9424920411 26.7789694252 49.9998676159 0.6026466488 "Linepithema humile" "Clopton J.R. 2007. Temperature: human regulating, ants conforming. American Biology Teacher 69(5), 59-63." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0038393291 0.5064904585 148.456626824 7.6400398627 0.6649662143 "Linepithema humile" "Shapley H. 1924. Note on the thermokinetics of Dolichoderine ants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 10, 436-439." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0048918195 0.4668189597 114.109077482 3.6508674331 0.9667535108 "Liometopum apiculatum" "Shapley H 1920. Thermokinetics of Liometopum apiculatum Mayr. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 6, 204-211." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0029415139 0.6006914922 47.1576249065 24.1232546646 0.9801805584 "Macrocentrus iridescens" "Krugner, R., Daane, K. M., Lawson, A. B. & Yokota, G. Y. 2007. Temperature-dependent development of Macrocentrus iridescens (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) as a parasitoid of the oblique banded leafroller (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae): Implications for field synchrony of parasitoid and host. Biological Control 42(2):110-118" "Development Rate" 1.28149092545E-08 0.9829596281 26.3608771703 2.7852429431 0.9788948854 "Manduca sexta" "Casey T.M. 1976. Activity patterns, body temperature and thermal ecology in two desert caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ecology 57(3), 485-497." "Bite Rate" 0.3528264075 0.6489338511 149.99999999 0.6500496419 0.931115212 "Manduca sexta" "Casey T.M. 1976. Activity patterns, body temperature and thermal ecology in two desert caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ecology 57(3), 485-497." "Population Foraging Probability" 0.0002565543 4.1356299607 17.4723318545 4.4179186485 0.5743661631 "Manduca sexta" "Stevenson R.D. & R.K. Josephson. 1990. Effects of operating frequency and temperature on mechanical power output from moth flight muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 149, 61-78." "In Vitro Muscle Optimal Phase" 819918787.031 29.9676856528 -3.232077158 30.0159955781 0.4183166423 "Manduca sexta" "Stevenson R.D. & R.K. Josephson. 1990. Effects of operating frequency and temperature on mechanical power output from moth flight muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 149, 61-78." "In Vitro Muscle Optimal Rate" 3.9705947468 0.411492572 37.9289684319 3.5846722377 0.9960371591 "Manduca sexta" "Stevenson R.D. & R.K. Josephson. 1990. Effects of operating frequency and temperature on mechanical power output from moth flight muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 149, 61-78." "In Vitro Muscle Optimal Strain" 0.0345948525 0.1841197266 37.9407442182 1.7670075548 0.9955377864 "Manduca sexta" "Stevenson R.D. & R.K. Josephson. 1990. Effects of operating frequency and temperature on mechanical power output from moth flight muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 149, 61-78." "In Vitro Muscle Power Output" 2.2160620027 0.7742159071 39.0543432898 2.3870348433 0.9999527909 "Manduca sexta" "Stevenson R.D. & R.K. Josephson. 1990. Effects of operating frequency and temperature on mechanical power output from moth flight muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 149, 61-78." "In Vitro Muscle Work Per Cycle" 0.6096499099 0.3404672902 40.3322826098 1.9391098849 0.9925256804 "Messor pergandei" "Hurlbert A., F. Ballantyne & S. Powell 2008. Shaking a leg and hot to trot: the effects of body size and temperature on running speed in ants. Ecological Entomology 33, 144-154." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0027422665 0.6018736636 34.9609744299 7.359059832 0.4339315286 "Messor pergandei" "Lighton J.R.B. & F.D. Duncan 2002. Energy cost of locomotion: validation of laboratory data by in situ respirometry. Ecology 83, 3517-3522." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0011217054 1.1645540937 98.4868082257 1.1647162138 0.8610726129 "Messor pergandei" "Rissing S.W. 1982. Foraging velocity of seed-harvester ants, Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Environmental Entomology 11, 905-907." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0005229459 1.5583730618 69.9247414121 1.5585791433 0.8156773967 "NA" "Kalyebi, A., Overholt, W. A., Schulthess, F., Mueke, J. M. & Sithanantham, S. 2006. The effect of temperature and humidity on the bionomics of six African egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 96, 305-314." "Development Time" 0.0016690834 16.8209498279 9.8000037859 17.3072547251 0.8267054961 "NA" "Kishi D., M. Murakami, S. Nakano & K. Maekawa. 2005. Water temperature determines strength of top-down control in a stream food web. Freshwater Biology 50, 1315-1322." "Grazing Rate" 6.89507346673E-12 4.2001397662 10.868180835 4.8827984396 0.2237332203 "Nabis roseipennis" "Nadgauda D. & H.N. Pitre. 1986. Effects of temperature on feeding, development, fecundity, and longevity of Nabis roseipennis (Hemiptera: Nabidae) fed tobacco budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae and Tarnished plant bug (insect) (Hemiptera: Miridae) ny" "Resource Consumption Rate" 0.0181078658 1.07486578576E-05 138.503932069 42.4297328173 -179646.341188 "Naucoris congrex" "McCoull C.J., R. Swain & R.W. Barnes. 1998. Effect of temperature on the functional response and components of attack rate in Naucoris congrex Stal (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). Australian Journal of Entomology 37, 323-327." "Attack Probability" 0.0033631244 1.2361617709 115.38496838 20.4550949554 0.475236283 "Naucoris congrex" "McCoull C.J., R. Swain & R.W. Barnes. 1998. Effect of temperature on the functional response and components of attack rate in Naucoris congrex Stal (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). Australian Journal of Entomology 37, 323-327." "Attack-Field Encounter Density Rate" 0.0005859066 0.625232198 40.1922270266 49.4315523315 0.3879199167 "Naucoris congrex" "McCoull C.J., R. Swain & R.W. Barnes. 1998. Effect of temperature on the functional response and components of attack rate in Naucoris congrex Stal (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). Australian Journal of Entomology 37, 323-327." "Attack-Field Reaction Probability" 0.0591922595 0.567695302 83.9532595356 47.1965801744 0.6962690708 "Naucoris congrex" "McCoull C.J., R. Swain & R.W. Barnes. 1998. Effect of temperature on the functional response and components of attack rate in Naucoris congrex Stal (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). Australian Journal of Entomology 37, 323-327." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.88025355264E-05 0.6048666911 132.925098583 47.7665922131 0.3869039547 "Notonecta glauca" "Cockrell B.J. 1984. Effects of temperature and oxygenation on predator-prey overlap and prey choice of Notonecta glauca. Journal of Animal Ecology 53, 519-532." "'Submerged' Attack Probability" 5.64903304594E-05 13.163311576 6.1168520527 15.5375538293 0.9048767565 "Notonecta glauca" "Cockrell B.J. 1984. Effects of temperature and oxygenation on predator-prey overlap and prey choice of Notonecta glauca. Journal of Animal Ecology 53, 519-532." "Foraging Submergence Duration" 0.0266182953 15.488725424 5.8219850291 17.5199135449 0.881636819 "Notonecta glauca" "Cockrell B.J. 1984. Effects of temperature and oxygenation on predator-prey overlap and prey choice of Notonecta glauca. Journal of Animal Ecology 53, 519-532." "Foraging Submergence Time" 3768.42787233 0.712319892 7.8052652719 2.7769931293 0.8801901721 "Notonecta glauca" "Cockrell B.J. 1984. Effects of temperature and oxygenation on predator-prey overlap and prey choice of Notonecta glauca. Journal of Animal Ecology 53, 519-532." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.22366310874E-05 0.8905046042 142.906196034 28.6776137598 0.4984263426 "Notonecta kirbyi" "Anderson M.T., J.M. Kiesecker, D.P. Chivers & A.R. Blaustein. 2001. The direct and indirect effects of temperature on a predator-prey relationship. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79(10), 1834-1841." "Consumption Probability of Trial" 0.0001843831 14.4656858774 7.0362297893 14.4750348735 -0.0436920053 "Ocymyrmex barbiger" "Marsh A.C. 1985. Microclimatic factors influencing foraging patterns and success of the thermophilic desert ant, Ocymyrmex barbiger. Insectes Sociaux 32, 286-296." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0019593452 0.8718677172 57.8471976727 1.1951081725 0.9140042128 "Orius insidiosus" "McCaffrey J.P & R.L. Horsburgh. 1986. Functional response of Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) to the European red mite, Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae), at different constant temperatures. Environmental Entomology 15, 532-535." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.40211089275E-05 0.7632888276 34.2030780072 26.4246034985 0.2752228565 "Planococcus citri" "Goldasteh, S., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y., Ostovan, H., Zamani, A. & Shoushtari, R. V. 2009. Effect of temperature on life history and population growth parameters of Planococcus citri (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) on Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd.]. Arch. Biol. Sci. 61(2):329-336" "Development Time" 0.0339507933 14.2041451879 9.9555118819 14.8390920975 0.179273103 "Planococcus citri" "Goldasteh, S., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y., Ostovan, H., Zamani, A. & Shoushtari, R. V. 2009. Effect of temperature on life history and population growth parameters of Planococcus citri (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) on Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd.]. Arch. Biol. Sci. 61(2):329-336" "Generation Time" 0.0008089059 13.9936785357 12.7750147183 14.2668468715 0.5643822881 "Planococcus citri" "Goldasteh, S., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y., Ostovan, H., Zamani, A. & Shoushtari, R. V. 2009. Effect of temperature on life history and population growth parameters of Planococcus citri (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) on Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd.]. Arch. Biol. Sci. 61(2):329-336" "Longevity" 0.0024880611 12.4592084567 12.8147861725 12.7231752518 -0.3658782545 "Planococcus citri" "Goldasteh, S., Talebi, A. A., Fathipour, Y., Ostovan, H., Zamani, A. & Shoushtari, R. V. 2009. Effect of temperature on life history and population growth parameters of Planococcus citri (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) on Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd.]. Arch. Biol. Sci. 61(2):329-336" "Population Growth Rate" 1.93535196075E-08 1.3253320148 26.2924413022 4.3371743555 0.9694603176 "Podisus maculiventris" "Mohaghegh J., P. De Clercq & L. Tirry. 2001. Functional response of the predators Podisus maculiventris (Say) and Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Het., Pentatomidae) to the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) (Lep., Noctuidae): effect of temperature." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.81624529721E-05 0.3738534999 32.2220277397 33.4476470935 -0.0339766086 "Podisus nigrispinus" "Mohaghegh J., P. De Clercq & L. Tirry. 2001. Functional response of the predators Podisus maculiventris (Say) and Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Het., Pentatomidae) to the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) (Lep., Noctuidae): effect of temperature." "Resource Consumption Rate" 4.12249470387E-06 0.9480522186 25.5047837688 7.7170310625 -0.0113010302 "Pogonomyrmex barbatus" "Morehead S.A. & D.H. Feener 1998. Foraging behaviour and morphology: seed selection in the harvester ant genus, Pogonomyrmex. Oecologia 114, 548-555." "Foraging Velocity" 0.00492843 0.3285585713 108.57469103 5.0183612861 0.2552233256 "Pogonomyrmex desertorum" "Morehead S.A. & D.H. Feener 1998. Foraging behaviour and morphology: seed selection in the harvester ant genus, Pogonomyrmex. Oecologia 114, 548-555." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0028738583 0.4063928099 44.7230271577 6.5984699749 0.1736729965 "Pogonomyrmex maricopa" "Weier J.A. & D.H. Feener 1995. Foraging in the seed-harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex: are energy costs important?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36, 291-300." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0027459431 0.6075820703 44.938794716 4.9326221629 0.7464454629 "Pogonomyrmex occidentalis" "Crist T.O. & J.A. MacMahon. 1991. Foraging patterns of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a shrub-steppe ecosystem: the roles of temperature, trunk trails, and seed resources. Environmental Entomology 20(1), 265-275." "Line -Encounter Rate" 0.0010657027 0.7273654346 45.4209812605 2.7276382167 0.0298384364 "Pogonomyrmex occidentalis" "Crist T.O. & J.A. MacMahon. 1991. Foraging patterns of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a shrub-steppe ecosystem: the roles of temperature, trunk trails, and seed resources. Environmental Entomology 20(1), 265-275." "Nest Provisioning Probability" 0.0120087207 0.3863755645 107.087945067 6.5150882248 0.0271182039 "Pogonomyrmex occidentalis" "Morehead S.A. & D.H. Feener 1998. Foraging behaviour and morphology: seed selection in the harvester ant genus, Pogonomyrmex. Oecologia 114, 548-555." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0061894678 0.3036170116 56.8610037968 33.3211659626 0.4071000751 "Pogonomyrmex rugosus" "Weier J.A. & D.H. Feener 1995. Foraging in the seed-harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex: are energy costs important?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36, 291-300." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0019185403 0.8292410173 39.9320359188 2.0012682451 0.8469759778 "Popillia japonica" "Oertli J.J. 1989. Relationship of wing beat frequency and temperature during take-off flight in temperate-zone beetles. Journal of Experimental Biology 145, 321-338." "Voluntary Wing Beat Rate" 55.3306874615 0.1586479212 39.8661322768 49.9999999992 0.2144772575 "Porotermes adamsoni" "Lenz M. & E.R. Williams. 1986. Changing feeding patterns of Porotermes adamsoni (Froggatt) (Isoptera: Termopsidae) during no-choice and choice trials at different temperatures on sound and decaying wood. Sociobiology 11(3), 215-226." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 2.13842194336E-12 0.5905008675 25.2873475406 5.3472428279 0.3168210703 "Porotermes adamsoni" "Lenz M., R.A. Barrett & E.R. Williams. 1982. Influence of diet on the survival and wood consumption of Porotermes adamsoni (Froggatt) (Isoptera: Termopsidae) at different temperatures. Bulletin of Entomological Research 72, 423-435." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 6.17314326365E-14 1.9665051808 26.7562809813 2.0456475204 0.6930932007 "Praon exsoletum" "Messenger P.S. 1968. Bioclimatic studies of the aphid parasite Praon exsoletum 1. Effects of temperature on the functional response of females to varying host densities. The Canadian Entomologist 100, 728-741." "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 6.55848409946E-05 0.7119036159 21.7488789578 6.5387213449 0.0402506584 "Praon palitans" "Messenger P.S. & D.C. Force. 1963. An experimental host-parasite system: Therioaphis maculata (Buckton) - Praon palitans Muesebeck (Homoptera: Aphididae-Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Ecology 44(3), 532-540." "Eggs-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 0.0001237956 0.5527262922 30.6351991061 46.7172837642 0.3520605185 "Pterostichus cupreus" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Foraging Probability" 0.099348119 0.3022517138 129.415363925 4.8145124223 0.2386740538 "Pterostichus cupreus" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Intraspecific Confrontation Probability" 0.0030010565 0.6312202473 40.5457326138 38.8394964245 0.6954953788 "Pterostichus cupreus" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.65590410354E-10 8.7933225886 21.4719304635 8.7933847467 0.7841395664 "Pterostichus cupreus" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Resource Habitat Encounter Rate" 0.0015822683 0.6333484674 59.2029513044 39.5898654631 0.6583613181 "Pterostichus cupreus" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0094872473 0.4277594554 66.9309870562 31.8661430158 0.9771901199 "Pterostichus cupreus" "Chiverton P.A. 1988. Searching behaviour and cereal aphid consumption by Bembidion lampros and Pterostichus cupreus, in relation to temperature and prey density. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 47, 173-182." "Voluntary Walk/Run Probability" 3.66673674918E-05 14.4081093739 6.405907997 14.5908478238 0.1214982786 "Ranatra dispar" "Bailey P.C.E. 1989. The effect of water temperature on the functional response of the water stick insect Ranatra dispar (Heteroptera: Nepidae). Australian Journal of Ecology 14, 381-386." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.49057502111E-05 0.6840726807 35.1984623607 1.4393316849 0.1832179897 "Sitona discoideus" "Arbab, A., Kontodimas, D. C. & McNeill, M. R. 2008. Modelling embryo development of Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under constant temperature. Environmental Entomology 37, 1381-1388." "Development Time" 32.1976478535 21.662362639 4.7041404879 22.256876199 0.7262489007 "Solenopsis invicta" "Rigatuso R., S.M.R. Bertoluzzo, F.E. Quattrin & M.G. Bertoluzzo 2000. Ant activity associated with a chemical compound. Journal of Chemical Education 77, 183-185." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0013310469 0.8563281322 131.272094618 0.8564667864 0.8107092906 "Solenopsis invicta" "Rigatuso R., S.M.R. Bertoluzzo, F.E. Quattrin & M.G. Bertoluzzo 2000. Ant activity associated with a chemical compound. Journal of Chemical Education 77, 183-185." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0011347161 0.9859674256 114.962368611 0.9860541863 0.7634758384 "Stethorus punctum" "Hull L.A., D. Asquith & P.D. Mowery. 1977. The functional response of Stethorus punctum to densities of the European red mite. Environmental Entomology 6(1), 85-90." "Resource Consumption Rate" 7.62770923227E-05 0.6302354172 31.9098032669 9.6013291492 0.1588370734 "Tapinoma sessile" "Shapley H. 1924. Note on the thermokinetics of Dolichoderine ants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 10, 436-439." "Foraging Velocity" 0.0003825555 1.2560378424 101.783871565 1.2561004187 0.9812496579 "Telenomus chrysopae" "Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, C. A. & Tauber, M. J. 1995. Developmental effects of host and temperature on Telenomus spp (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Chrysopid eggs. Biological Control 5, 245-250." "Development Time" 0.1263187484 13.9238713416 9.7249028121 14.7785301118 0.980912516 "Telenomus chrysopae" "Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, C. A. & Tauber, M. J. 1995. Developmental effects of host and temperature on Telenomus spp (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Chrysopid eggs. Biological Control 5, 245-250." "Development Time" 0.2345693579 13.7835489634 9.5297165702 14.6893856328 0.9851153926 "Telenomus chrysopae" "Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, C. A. & Tauber, M. J. 1995. Developmental effects of host and temperature on Telenomus spp (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Chrysopid eggs. Biological Control 5, 245-250." "Mortality Rate" 5.24531998724E-08 0.2997254565 149.664408592 1.4705702766 0.3942607583 "Telenomus chrysopae" "Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, C. A. & Tauber, M. J. 1995. Developmental effects of host and temperature on Telenomus spp (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Chrysopid eggs. Biological Control 5, 245-250." "Mortality Rate" 5.21384790322E-08 0.1076822496 38.027199734 41.7608362131 -0.0200815028 "Telenomus isis" "Bruce, A. Y., Schulthess, F. & Mueke, J. 2009. Host Acceptance, Suitability, and Effects of Host Deprivation on the West African Egg Parasitoid Telenomus isis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) Reared on East African Stemborers Under Varying Temperature and Relative Humidity Regimens. Environmental Entomology 38(3):904-19" "Development Rate" 4.20951650817E-08 0.7380732577 29.9616483388 3.5305661774 0.9586222353 "Telenomus isis" "Bruce, A. Y., Schulthess, F. & Mueke, J. 2009. Host Acceptance, Suitability, and Effects of Host Deprivation on the West African Egg Parasitoid Telenomus isis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) Reared on East African Stemborers Under Varying Temperature and Relative Humidity Regimens. Environmental Entomology 38(3):904-19" "Longevity" 1508960.38444 1E-05 -9.7262400561 2.2666747981 0.6272828824 "Telenomus isis" "Bruce, A. Y., Schulthess, F. & Mueke, J. 2009. Host Acceptance, Suitability, and Effects of Host Deprivation on the West African Egg Parasitoid Telenomus isis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) Reared on East African Stemborers Under Varying Temperature and Relative Humidity Regimens. Environmental Entomology 38(3):904-19" "Mortality Rate" 2.10706697769E-08 0.5472906917 72.5426188563 49.3260517652 0.6120277113 "Telenomus isis" "Bruce, A. Y., Schulthess, F. & Mueke, J. 2009. Host Acceptance, Suitability, and Effects of Host Deprivation on the West African Egg Parasitoid Telenomus isis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) Reared on East African Stemborers Under Varying Temperature and Relative Humidity Regimens. Environmental Entomology 38(3):904-19" "Population Growth Rate" 4.4491810135E-08 1.2037745511 28.1423464186 2.9040999326 0.7638759497 "Telenomus lobatus" "Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, C. A. & Tauber, M. J. 1995. Developmental effects of host and temperature on Telenomus spp (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Chrysopid eggs. Biological Control 5, 245-250." "Development Time" 0.4292418288 13.666638497 9.4226822542 14.5603193165 0.981040364 "Telenomus lobatus" "Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, C. A. & Tauber, M. J. 1995. Developmental effects of host and temperature on Telenomus spp (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Chrysopid eggs. Biological Control 5, 245-250." "Mortality Rate" 7.39357530566E-12 9.2883049358 18.2914541472 9.2883066767 -0.0947823918 "Tetragoneura nigra" "Kuo, M. H., Lu, W. N., Chu, M. C., Kuo, Y. H. & Havang, S. H. 2006. Temperature-dependent development and population growth of Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Homoptera : Pemphigidae) on three host plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 99, 1209-1213." "Development Time" 0.1419404187 21.4260470913 6.4470292508 21.9278184622 0.9204344046 "Tetragoneura nigra" "Kuo, M. H., Lu, W. N., Chu, M. C., Kuo, Y. H. & Havang, S. H. 2006. Temperature-dependent development and population growth of Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Homoptera : Pemphigidae) on three host plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 99, 1209-1213." "Fecundity Rate" 1.19368317546E-08 2.7545121513 49.1684244495 2.7546267355 0.9845872149 "Tetragoneura nigra" "Kuo, M. H., Lu, W. N., Chu, M. C., Kuo, Y. H. & Havang, S. H. 2006. Temperature-dependent development and population growth of Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Homoptera : Pemphigidae) on three host plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 99, 1209-1213." "Generation Time" 0.2940274132 21.452040586 6.3049425236 22.0137441541 0.978234262 "Tetragoneura nigra" "Kuo, M. H., Lu, W. N., Chu, M. C., Kuo, Y. H. & Havang, S. H. 2006. Temperature-dependent development and population growth of Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Homoptera : Pemphigidae) on three host plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 99, 1209-1213." "Longevity" 0.0007456253 14.7068647541 11.6425453387 15.086766501 0.9753448462 "Tetragoneura nigra" "Kuo, M. H., Lu, W. N., Chu, M. C., Kuo, Y. H. & Havang, S. H. 2006. Temperature-dependent development and population growth of Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Homoptera : Pemphigidae) on three host plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 99, 1209-1213." "Population Growth Rate" 5.59014480807E-08 1.1045965579 28.5514526363 2.8065155252 0.9986167216 "Theocolax elegans" "Flinn P.W. & D.W. Hagstrum. 2002. Temperature-mediated functional response of Theocolax elegans (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitizing Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in stored wheat. Journal of Stored Products Research 38, 185-190." "Host-Per-Parasitoid Parasitization Rate" 3.65448905728E-08 2.0709572968 65.8907611721 2.0710844208 0.1466709251 "Theocolax elegans" "Imamura, T., Uraichuen, J., Visarathanonth, P., Morimoto, S. & Miyanoshita, A. 2004. Effect of temperature on development of Theocolax elegans (Westwood) (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae) parasitizing larvae of the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in brown rice. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 39(3):497-503" "Development Time" 0.0013316839 13.0811003499 13.0840797282 13.6975274606 0.8488035929 "Theocolax elegans" "Imamura, T., Uraichuen, J., Visarathanonth, P., Morimoto, S. & Miyanoshita, A. 2004. Effect of temperature on development of Theocolax elegans (Westwood) (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae) parasitizing larvae of the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in brown rice. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 39(3):497-503" "Longevity" 0.0002620562 12.9661180733 13.5119218229 13.6897297453 0.9017577964 "Trichogramma bruni" "Kalyebi, A., Overholt, W. A., Schulthess, F., Mueke, J. M. & Sithanantham, S. 2006. The effect of temperature and humidity on the bionomics of six African egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 96, 305-314." "Development Time" 0.0007532364 15.0018025377 11.3164664114 15.4383896207 0.8419992165 "Astacus astacus" "Kivivuori L. 1983. Temperature acclimation of walking in the crayfish Astacus astacus L. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Comparative Physiology 75A(3), 375-378." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0016047124 0.9718577357 22.1265370269 5.6710681166 0.2507070234 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Ingestion Duration" 184.857489084 0.0231289312 12.180355461 1.8444662201 -0.030461834 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Resource Consumption Probability" 5.38847964759E-05 3.1634521145 23.4563277197 5.4404085159 0.8168038015 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.76196513029E-08 3.0110084114 25.1317983784 30.8503610335 -0.1864056682 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Strike Rate" 1.15527278799E-10 8.4594933334 16.3236136009 8.8538456186 0.199369934 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Subjugation Duration" 6504411676.85 1.01690533716E-05 122.291891729 2.6368782437 -8314050970390000 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Subjugation Persistence Duration" 3.8657505322 0.98484812 26.14237511 2.2214068579 0.4857722807 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Subjugation-through-Consumption Duration" 1.11037165465E-05 8.4318536908 16.6091297135 8.7398383516 0.0493851624 "Callinectes sapidus" "Eggleston D.B. 1990. Behavioural mechanisms underlying variable functional responses of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus feeding on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59, 615-630." "Successful Strike Probability" 0.0132496519 0.892455288 41.7075116101 26.7180561089 0.5610111347 "Carcinus maenas" "Elner R.W. & R.N. Hughes. 1978. Energy maximization in the diet of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Journal of Animal Ecology 47(1), 103-116." "Consumption Time Per Consumer Resource" 3856.88730959 9.2262738466 8.1174542204 9.2262845933 -0.1618349056 "Carcinus maenas" "Elner R.W. & R.N. Hughes. 1978. Energy maximization in the diet of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Journal of Animal Ecology 47(1), 103-116." "Subjugation Duration" 2889.70563215 9.2793390755 7.7316835484 9.2793523678 -0.1132773539 "Carcinus maenas" "Elner R.W. 1980. The influence of temperature, sex and chela size in the foraging strategy of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.). Marine Behavior and Physiology 7, 15-24." "Resource Consumption Rate" 6.178E-06 0.3613226726 139.698974586 26.0588525049 -0.2739269156 "Carcinus maenas" "Sanchez-Salazar M.E., C.L. Griffiths & R. Seed. 1987. The effect of size and temperature on the predation of cockels Cerastoderma edule (L.) by the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 111, 181-193." "Resource Consumption Rate" 3.71354558314E-06 1.5207022201 69.695127301 49.8147808098 0.5368825908 "Carcinus maenas" "Sanchez-Salazar M.E., C.L. Griffiths & R. Seed. 1987. The effect of size and temperature on the predation of cockels Cerastoderma edule (L.) by the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 111, 181-193." "Resource Size Selection" 4.94809099677E-06 14.1487695517 12.5071538586 14.1487703237 -0.0093383786 "Carcinus maenas" "Sanchez-Salazar M.E., C.L. Griffiths & R. Seed. 1987. The effect of size and temperature on the predation of cockels Cerastoderma edule (L.) by the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 111, 181-193." "Subjugation-through-Consumption Duration" 2498205444 7.9542871655 -9.1148886758 8.7150161625 -0.0904857745 "Carcinus maenas" "Wallace J.C. 1973. Feeding, starvation and metabolic rate in the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Marine Biology 20, 277-281." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 2.29374330167E-09 0.6365888339 23.4235803252 3.1804708386 0.2641482547 "Carcinus maenas" "Walne P.R. & G.J. Dean. 1972. Experiments on predation by the shore crab, Carcinus maenas L., on Mytilus and Mercenaria. Journal de Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 34(2), 190-199." "Resource Consumption Rate" 6.6328904128E-07 1.6443041695 19.5378761293 28.0551570536 0.7108716118 "Carcinus maenas" "Walne P.R. & G.J. Dean. 1972. Experiments on predation by the shore crab, Carcinus maenas L., on Mytilus and Mercenaria. Journal de Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 34(2), 190-199." "Resource Consumption Rate" 1.48957302205E-06 0.8803896909 17.5949188781 36.0299838697 -0.0140300321 "Carcinus maenas" "Walne P.R. & G.J. Dean. 1972. Experiments on predation by the shore crab, Carcinus maenas L., on Mytilus and Mercenaria. Journal de Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 34(2), 190-199." "Resource Consumption Rate" 2.17682876239E-06 1.0046892701 16.7626771028 49.9999998651 0.2324809237 "Cherax quadricarinatus" "Meade, M. E., Doeller, J. E., Kraus, D. W. & Watts, S. A. 2002. Effects of temperature and salinity on weight gain, oxygen consumption rate, and growth efficiency in juvenile red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 33(2): 188-198." "Food Mass Conversion Efficiency" 0.1978773901 0.7613082699 21.1446310049 1.2429493388 0.9863841896 "Cherax quadricarinatus" "Meade, M. E., Doeller, J. E., Kraus, D. W. & Watts, S. A. 2002. Effects of temperature and salinity on weight gain, oxygen consumption rate, and growth efficiency in juvenile red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 33(2): 188-198." "Individual Mass Growth Rate" 8.27072173658E-16 3.4710293149 26.4293244301 5.7162852964 0.931298028 "Cherax quadricarinatus" "Meade, M. E., Doeller, J. E., Kraus, D. W. & Watts, S. A. 2002. Effects of temperature and salinity on weight gain, oxygen consumption rate, and growth efficiency in juvenile red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 33(2): 188-198." "Mass-Specific Respiration Rate" 5.63723312357E-09 0.7458122379 31.8993037514 3.1205209188 0.9918222452 "Cherax quadricarinatus" "Meade, M. E., Doeller, J. E., Kraus, D. W. & Watts, S. A. 2002. Effects of temperature and salinity on weight gain, oxygen consumption rate, and growth efficiency in juvenile red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 33(2): 188-198." "Molting Frequency" 2.7E-08 1.0242034941 26.7244547303 3.6894726584 0.8569995485 "Cherax quadricarinatus" "Meade, M. E., Doeller, J. E., Kraus, D. W. & Watts, S. A. 2002. Effects of temperature and salinity on weight gain, oxygen consumption rate, and growth efficiency in juvenile red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 33(2): 188-198." "Mortality Rate" 3.79371769339E-06 7.22828366 3.984021602 7.9648422314 0.1558152722 "Chionoecetes opilio" "Foyle T.P., R.K. O'Dor & R.W. Elner. 1989. Energetically defining the thermal limits of the snow crab. Journal of Experimental Biology 145, 371-393." "Mass-Specific Mass Consumption Rate" 6.17178833032E-08 1.0410690649 6.0540154227 5.1807039399 0.9873774343 "Chionoecetes opilio" "Foyle T.P., R.K. O'Dor & R.W. Elner. 1989. Energetically defining the thermal limits of the snow crab. Journal of Experimental Biology 145, 371-393." "Voluntary Body Velocity" 0.0056526125 0.4461464729 42.2195439415 31.4964350559 0.686183774 "Chionoecetes opilio" "Foyle T.P., R.K. O'Dor & R.W. Elner. 1989. Energetically defining the thermal limits of the snow crab. Journal of Experimental Biology 145, 371-393." "Voluntary Moving Probability" 0.225867993 24.3033631621 0.5312249907 24.8366121279 0.5894447277 "Crangon septemspinosa" "Taylor D.L. & J.S. Collie. 2003. Effect of temperature on the functional response and foraging behaviour of the sand shrimp Crangon septemspinosa preying on juvenile winter flounder Pseudopeuronectes americanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 262, 217-234" "Foraging Velocity" 1.14631756913E-11 9.870586016 19.4527517077 9.8706056662 0.0565625325 "Crangon septemspinosa" "Taylor D.L. & J.S. Collie. 2003. Effect of temperature on the functional response and foraging behaviour of the sand shrimp Crangon septemspinosa preying on juvenile winter flounder Pseudopeuronectes americanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 262, 217-234" "Predation Mortality Rate" 7.63608405185E-08 1.7570834708 19.5504490478 49.9904437547 0.2369900346 "Crangon septemspinosa" "Taylor D.L. & J.S. Collie. 2003. Effect of temperature on the functional response and foraging behaviour of the sand shrimp Crangon septemspinosa preying on juvenile winter flounder Pseudopeuronectes americanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 262, 217-234" "Resource Consumption Rate" 4.55088154176E-12 9.4768424592 16.2287477275 9.4835697739 -0.3072568176 "Crangonyx richmondensis" "Ware D.M. 1973. Risk of epigenetic prey to predation by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30, 787-797." "Population Voluntary Exposure Probability" 0.0099657799 0.9675641506 21.5951599739 49.9999999948 0.8348375152 "Crangonyx richmondensis" "Ware D.M. 1973. Risk of epigenetic prey to predation by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30, 787-797." "Population Voluntary Movement Probability of Exposed Individuals" 0.376424381 1.1447184708 9.9623574808 1.8293437937 0.7351043829 "Farfantepenaeus paulensis" "Wasielesky Jr. W., A. Bianchini, C.C. Sanchez & L.H. Poersch. 2003. The effect of temperature, salinity and nitrogen products of food consumption of pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis. Brazilian Achives of Biology and Technology 46(1), 135-141." "Mass-Specific Mass Consumption Rate" 8.45152534351E-06 1.2476904407 67.2048378865 1.2485987505 0.9261958082 "Homarus americanus" "McLeese D.W. & D.G. Wilder. 1958. The activity and catchability of the lobster (Homarus americanus) in relation to temperature. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15(6), 1345-1354." "Population Catchability" 1.4052817296E-07 2.5616205295 11.1474051862 49.9999999095 0.9917659952 "Homarus americanus" "Reynolds W.W. & M.E. Casterlin. 1979. Behavioural thermoregulation and activity in Homarus americanus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Comparative Physiology 64, 25-28." "Point-Encounter Rate" 0.0002587918 0.8229543905 35.2927117308 45.459559517 0.814094648 "Hyallela azteca" "Ware D.M. 1973. Risk of epigenetic prey to predation by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30, 787-797." "Population Voluntary Exposure Probability" 0.0020901736 2.0593399279 19.6964152104 3.0056021148 0.9482916014 "Macrobrachium rosenbergii" "Niu C., D. Lee, S. Goshima & S. Nakao. 2003. Effects of temperature on food consumption, growth and oxygen consumption of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man 1879) postlarvae. Aquaculture Research 34, 501-506." "Resource Mass Consumption Rate" 6.56428161399E-21 6.3881396833 37.8230999154 6.3883977067 -0.0428462201 "Procambarus clarkii" "Chen, S. L., Wu, J. W., Huner, J. V. & Malone, R. F. 1995. Effects of temperature upon ablation-to-molt interval and mortality of red swamp crawfish (Procambarus clarkii) subjected to bilateral eyestalk ablation. Aquaculture 138, 191-204." "Development Time" 0.0570770688 14.4619962635 9.6178395737 15.0586583836 0.7799141258 "Procambarus clarkii" "Chen, S. L., Wu, J. W., Huner, J. V. & Malone, R. F. 1995. Effects of temperature upon ablation-to-molt interval and mortality of red swamp crawfish (Procambarus clarkii) subjected to bilateral eyestalk ablation. Aquaculture 138, 191-204." "Mortality Rate" 7.27383155674E-09 1.4268626131 79.6217631278 1.4269996945 0.8161610597 "Acanthodactylus erythrurus" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0354217132 1.3957726911 69.9687861199 1.3964484075 0.9955498072 "Acris crepitans" "Knowles T.W. & P.D. Weigl. 1990. Thermal dependence of anuran burst locomotor performance. Copeia 1990(3), 796-802." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.400334776 0.3310178892 27.5902781395 1.048241811 0.9995375876 "Agama savignyi" "Hertz P.E., R.B., Huey & E. Nevo. 1982. Flight versus fight: body temperature influences defensive responses of lizards. Animal Behaviour 30, 676-679." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.2166455902 0.6062184679 37.2865692047 1.6581636557 0.9917662146 "Ambystoma tigrinum nebolosum" "Else P.L. & A.F. Bennett. 1987. The thermal dependence of locomotor performance and muscle contractile function in the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum. Journal of Experimental Biology 128, 219-233." "Critical Travel Distance" 5.08608539272E-05 9.9517359152 21.5223853373 9.9517366306 0.2631432096 "Ambystoma tigrinum nebolosum" "Else P.L. & A.F. Bennett. 1987. The thermal dependence of locomotor performance and muscle contractile function in the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum. Journal of Experimental Biology 128, 219-233." "Escape Body Velocity" 9.87238000498E-07 8.0919595314 16.6696155968 26.3407601413 0.0476792836 "Aphidius ervi" "Gilchrist G.W. 1996. A quantitative genetic analysis of thermal sensitivity in the locomotor performance curve of Aphidius ervi. Evolution 50(4), 1560-1572." "Avoidance Body Velocity" 0.0003214512 1.1271611147 27.8143541574 3.32383542 0.8643694763 "Atelopus muisca" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.66571903 3.7893230995 20.1983801972 3.7895022032 0.2672432924 "Atelopus varius" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.5633762327 0.4894831671 26.5215025114 1.8226352758 0.8244091985 "Barbus barbus" "O'Steen S. & A.F. Bennett. 2003. Thermal acclimation effects differ between voluntary, maximum, and critical swimming velocities in two cyprinid fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4), 484-496." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.0255908801 1.0036806816 64.9053611968 8.1953543612 -0.6985826633 "Barbus barbus" "O'Steen S. & A.F. Bennett. 2003. Thermal acclimation effects differ between voluntary, maximum, and critical swimming velocities in two cyprinid fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4), 484-496." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.6395896788 1.195467465 63.2965145584 1.1956801888 0.8386638468 "Bufo americanus" "Renaud J.M. & E.D. Stevens. 1983. The extent of long-term temperature compensation for jumping distance in the frog, Rana pipiens, and the toad, Bufo americanus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61, 1284-1287." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.0389844656 1.7908346195 47.4745225706 1.790953656 0.7402929509 "Bufo boreas" "Putnam R.W. & A.F. Bennett. 1981. Thermal dependence of behavioural performance of anuran amphibians. Animal Behaviour 29, 502-509." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0173005314 0.6130156806 47.8296600416 47.2201394537 0.7256242435 "Bufo woodhousii woodhousii" "Londos P.L. & R.J. Brooks. 1988. Effect of temperature acclimation on locomotory performance curves in the toad, Bufo woodhousii woodhousii. Copeia 1988(1), 26-32." "Escape Body Velocity" 239.681028157 9.6988875442 19.430996065 9.6988875831 -23913547479100 "Bufo woodhousii woodhousii" "Londos P.L. & R.J. Brooks. 1988. Effect of temperature acclimation on locomotory performance curves in the toad, Bufo woodhousii woodhousii. Copeia 1988(1), 26-32." "Escape Jump Rate" 3130.23326268 9.9269978297 19.40842699 9.9269978502 -799693000363000 "Calanus finmarchicus" "Lenz P.H., A.E. Hower & D.K. Hartline. 2005. Temperature compensation in the escape response of a marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea). Biological Bulletin 209, 75-85." "Escape Body Response Time" 0.001974648 5.1915529825 4.2377150704 5.5524273881 0.8250137394 "Calanus finmarchicus" "Lenz P.H., A.E. Hower & D.K. Hartline. 2005. Temperature compensation in the escape response of a marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea). Biological Bulletin 209, 75-85." "Escape Stroke Duration" 0.0296396644 8.0162004184 2.0930191575 8.257367156 0.8344395361 "Calanus finmarchicus" "Lenz P.H., A.E. Hower & D.K. Hartline. 2005. Temperature compensation in the escape response of a marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea). Biological Bulletin 209, 75-85." "Escape Stroke Peak Force Rate" 0.2041693064 0.3991064492 29.7388618738 28.6028147459 0.6858148631 "Calanus finmarchicus" "Lenz P.H., A.E. Hower & D.K. Hartline. 2005. Temperature compensation in the escape response of a marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea). Biological Bulletin 209, 75-85." "Escape Stroke Peak Force" 0.0004469466 0.2323054551 48.4297771533 25.86861764 0.8107758953 "Calanus finmarchicus" "Lenz P.H., A.E. Hower & D.K. Hartline. 2005. Temperature compensation in the escape response of a marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea). Biological Bulletin 209, 75-85." "Escape Stroke Rate" 31.4443936589 0.3841315548 39.4627133507 12.3819845589 0.6485214519 "Carassius auratus" "Johnson T.P. & A.F.Bennett. 1995. The thermal acclimation of burst escape performance in fish: an integrated study of molecular and cellular physiology and organismal performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 198, 2165-2175." "Escape Angular Rate of Body Turning" 65.5524964523 0.3907584134 149.99655621 0.3928061233 0.1330199075 "Carassius auratus" "Johnson T.P. & A.F.Bennett. 1995. The thermal acclimation of burst escape performance in fish: an integrated study of molecular and cellular physiology and organismal performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 198, 2165-2175." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.3682681345 0.2859361678 67.9400690787 0.3568397098 0.0473176275 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Body Contraction Time" 0.0270331847 20.524503912 1.3970223088 20.8028935095 0.5075370932 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Body Response Time" 3.71715445258E-11 30 5.4401928269 30.3689010557 0.6811127913 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0060923729 0.4632363173 14.6986313253 50 0.9727000652 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Stroke Length" 1.12706930436E-11 30 5.4482457861 30.2212208938 0.1980438474 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Tail Beat Amplitude" 0.0050485336 1.0000786892E-05 -5.435390394 3.9237725209 0.7152602832 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Tail Beat Rate" 13.2504478802 0.4796542635 14.9268848701 12.314085639 0.9997854323 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S., J.H.S. Blaxter & K. Fretwell. 1993. Effect of temperature on the escape responses of larval herring, Clupea harengus. Marine Biology 115, 523-528." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.068661205 0.4260300608 14.4703469343 2.612093582 0.4251677154 "Clupea harengus" "Batty R.S., J.H.S. Blaxter & K. Fretwell. 1993. Effect of temperature on the escape responses of larval herring, Clupea harengus. Marine Biology 115, 523-528." "Escape Tail Beat Rate" 12.7517777022 0.5497346438 18.0687747353 1.7583187882 0.9612185427 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Consumer Evasion Response Time" 0.0918455923 0.0569686125 19.9565058508 25.3226912916 -0.1490119192 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Escape Apparent Visual Looming Threshold" 70685782.5262 17.9813233556 -1.1232266748 17.9813284568 -0.1458726247 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0326650441 1.2581681029 11.9131424824 8.6699423863 -0.1438905594 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Flee Distance" 0.0112814043 1.3562403327 11.8969726925 7.3312457505 -0.064868189 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Flee Time" 0.0001243735 6.1912426231 9.6435612998 8.611244061 -0.2134525742 "Clupea harengus" "Fuiman L.A. 1991. Influence of temperature on evasive responses of Atlantic herring larvae attacked by yearling herring, Clupea harengus L. Journal of Fish Biology 39, 93-102." "Resource Reaction Distance" 204839007.545 27.9712772934 -4.0335363367 28.4800448648 0.0035764773 "Cnemidophorus murinus" "Bennett A.F. 1980. The thermal dependence of lizard behaviour. Animal Behaviour 28, 752-762." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0001207984 2.7502781708 37.6315312626 2.7670624657 0.1264584284 "Coleonyx brevis" "Huey R.B., P.H. Niewiarowski, J. Kaufmann & J.C. Herron. 1989. Thermal biology of nocturnal ectotherms; is sprint performance of geckos maximal at low body temperatures?. Physiological Zoology 62(2), 488-504." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0235521518 1.4562246897 44.985379754 1.4687733498 0.9190741726 "Coleonyx variegatus" "Huey R.B., P.H. Niewiarowski, J. Kaufmann & J.C. Herron. 1989. Thermal biology of nocturnal ectotherms; is sprint performance of geckos maximal at low body temperatures?. Physiological Zoology 62(2), 488-504." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0372379613 1.397043361 48.0454567981 1.40457676 0.975941069 "Colostethus flotator" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.0208042761 2.4561085477 21.3325609928 2.6137817919 0.2755069264 "Colostethus subpunctatus" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 4.6006526904 0.9915390798 9.5685174542 1.1544241058 0.1061129394 "Colostethus talamancae" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.0003307259 5.0696307641 18.5870129381 5.109332865 0.8551915585 "Conolophus pallidus" "Christian K.A. & R. Tracy. 1981. The effect of the thermal environment on the ability of hatchling Galapagos land iguanas to avoid predation during dispersal. Oecologia 49, 218-223." "Escape Body Velocity Probability" 0.0002196762 2.645562912 56.546893488 2.6456111955 0.9210434 "Crinia signifera" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Escape Body Velocity" 9.575E-05 9.5900359986 21.0581087717 9.5900360096 -3212.28849317 "Crinia signifera" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Flee Distance" 2.90857955606E-06 9.7466029347 10.5846199258 9.9810107667 0.6670679122 "Crotalus viridis viridis" "Chadwick L.E. & H. Rahn. 1954. Temperature dependence of rattling frequency in the rattlesnake, Crotalus v. viridis. Science 119(3092), 442-443." "Rattle Rate" 8.6279823009 0.7497202749 148.724854668 0.7498543614 0.994767657 "Cyprinella spiloptera" "Hocutt C.H. 1973. Swimming performance of three warmwater fishes exposed to a rapid temperature change. Chesapeake Science 14(1), 11-16." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.0685859341 0.5586087511 30.5162528583 5.8636551783 0.9976298908 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "Escape Body Velocity" 0.3088454577 0.19662161 48.2877409307 20.2628837645 0.1543679953 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "Escape Muscle 50% Relaxation Time" 1.9694218063E-05 14.5222293853 5.2489457393 14.907181466 0.4772480885 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "Escape Muscle 50% Twitch Time" 7.96868961201E-07 8.6901116573 10.0849739856 9.1441213678 0.953550548 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "Escape Muscle Peak Twitch Time" 2.08496097281E-05 14.4959422481 5.2744494132 14.8810746519 0.9436368072 "Cyprinus carpio" "Wakeling J.M., N.J. Cole, K.M. Kemp & I.A. Johnston. 2000. The biomechanics and evolutionary significance of thermal acclimation in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279, 6" "Mass-Specific Escape Inertial Hydrodynamic Power Requirement" 0.8733727223 0.4612997863 139.52082361 8.3695010801 0.2419659333 "Danio rerio" "Fuiman L.A. 1986. Burst-swimming performance of larval zebra danios and the effects of diel temperature fluctuations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 115, 143-148." "Escape Body Acceleration" 1.6294579209 0.6185678076 28.540241386 11.7378530898 0.833893362 "Danio rerio" "Fuiman L.A. 1986. Burst-swimming performance of larval zebra danios and the effects of diel temperature fluctuations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 115, 143-148." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.9475597129 0.209529474 139.88456166 1.7413482012 0.855451457 "Dendraster excentricus" "Podolsky R.D. & R.B. Emlet. 1993. Separating the effects of temperature and viscosity on swimming and water movement by sand dollar larvae (Dendraster excentricus). Journal of Experimental Biology 176, 207-221." "Avoidance Body Velocity" 0.0001376653 0.3571094047 141.920997712 32.568349439 0.9894979557 "Dipsosaurus dorsalis" "Bennett A.F. 1980. The thermal dependence of lizard behaviour. Animal Behaviour 28, 752-762." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0004939669 2.2552318544 61.707173414 2.2553197454 0.2889498665 "Eleutherodactylus bogotensis" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 1.5034486177 0.3207086307 16.3037330961 1.0052865506 0.1139635535 "Eleutherodactylus diastema" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.0011538811 4.1681637508 17.7618559962 4.3429467183 0.7558431847 "Elgaria multicarinata" "Bennett A.F. 1980. The thermal dependence of lizard behaviour. Animal Behaviour 28, 752-762." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0282800149 0.99183278 34.6620993075 1.1690246886 0.2699523191 "Eurycea guttolineata" "Marvin G.A. 2003. Effects of acute temperature and thermal acclimation on aquatic and terrestrial locomotor performance of the three-lined salamander, Eurycea guttolineata. Journal of Thermal Biology 28, 251-259." "Escape Body Velocity" 1.35394044635E-05 9.1619892665 16.5356101935 9.1620486579 0.9251826311 "Eurycea guttolineata" "Marvin G.A. 2003. Effects of acute temperature and thermal acclimation on aquatic and terrestrial locomotor performance of the three-lined salamander, Eurycea guttolineata. Journal of Thermal Biology 28, 251-259." "Escape Stroke Length" 0.0004534656 12.4858952984 5.9440334563 12.5054655435 0.0055582613 "Fundulus heteroclitus" "Johnson T.P. & A.F.Bennett. 1995. The thermal acclimation of burst escape performance in fish: an integrated study of molecular and cellular physiology and organismal performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 198, 2165-2175." "Escape Angular Rate of Body Turning" 100.987680693 1.3141869186 53.6049705032 1.3143128034 0.1591395523 "Fundulus heteroclitus" "Johnson T.P. & A.F.Bennett. 1995. The thermal acclimation of burst escape performance in fish: an integrated study of molecular and cellular physiology and organismal performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 198, 2165-2175." "Escape Body Velocity" 1.9209248825 0.6657141521 37.2996042736 0.6732106777 -0.026552964 "Hemidactylus frenatus" "Huey R.B., P.H. Niewiarowski, J. Kaufmann & J.C. Herron. 1989. Thermal biology of nocturnal ectotherms; is sprint performance of geckos maximal at low body temperatures?. Physiological Zoology 62(2), 488-504." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0607993067 1.1399404201 32.5105649771 1.4202770341 0.9968353208 "Hemidactylus turcicus" "Huey R.B., P.H. Niewiarowski, J. Kaufmann & J.C. Herron. 1989. Thermal biology of nocturnal ectotherms; is sprint performance of geckos maximal at low body temperatures?. Physiological Zoology 62(2), 488-504." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1470071265 0.7708808939 40.5506081287 0.9183533165 0.9831221619 "Holbrookia propinqua" "Cooper W.E. Jr. 2000. Effect of temperature on escape behaviour by an ectothermic vertebrate, the keeled earless lizard (Holobrookia propinqua). Behaviour 137, 1299-1315." "Flee Distance" 0.0695177389 0.4998406881 72.9189139913 20.7255310342 0.0257925152 "Holbrookia propinqua" "Cooper W.E. Jr. 2000. Effect of temperature on escape behaviour by an ectothermic vertebrate, the keeled earless lizard (Holobrookia propinqua). Behaviour 137, 1299-1315." "Refuge Distance" 0.0580446727 0.5749400514 49.040435482 49.9999999981 -0.0133154269 "Holbrookia propinqua" "Cooper W.E. Jr. 2000. Effect of temperature on escape behaviour by an ectothermic vertebrate, the keeled earless lizard (Holobrookia propinqua). Behaviour 137, 1299-1315." "Resource Reaction Distance" 0.1393692061 0.5691845098 55.9034611409 16.6521984543 0.254857561 "Homarus americanus" "McLeese D.W. & D.G. Wilder. 1958. The activity and catchability of the lobster (Homarus americanus) in relation to temperature. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15(6), 1345-1354." "Avoidance Body Velocity" 0.0541003445 0.6012877147 149.999999966 0.6014184365 0.4368916962 "Hyla ebraccata" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.0626158942 1.7793946632 22.0030278139 2.0308259614 0.7169492111 "Hyla femoralis" "Knowles T.W. & P.D. Weigl. 1990. Thermal dependence of anuran burst locomotor performance. Copeia 1990(3), 796-802." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.3198429157 0.8392769939 96.806229922 0.8394419676 0.9787400526 "Hyla labialis" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 1.365983818 0.1060828932 23.8022864923 27.7629795516 0.1900561473 "Hyla microcephala" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.017451611 3.4226057803 29.3264747254 3.422947006 0.7461925286 "Iberolacerta monticola" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.2409443456 0.3816986847 35.5791899787 4.0515459512 0.9320509366 "Ictalurus punctatus" "Hocutt C.H. 1973. Swimming performance of three warmwater fishes exposed to a rapid temperature change. Chesapeake Science 14(1), 11-16." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.0423422795 1.0210415667 28.051003446 1.3657840208 0.9931228235 "Lacerta agilis" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.2015964958 0.413114338 37.5444541641 8.0016264293 0.9899811699 "Lacerta schreiberi" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.291168195 0.3796629141 36.5946863738 2.8014202036 0.9987036346 "Lepidodactylus lugubris" "Huey R.B., P.H. Niewiarowski, J. Kaufmann & J.C. Herron. 1989. Thermal biology of nocturnal ectotherms; is sprint performance of geckos maximal at low body temperatures?. Physiological Zoology 62(2), 488-504." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.051292069 1.2941169004 77.8361675197 1.2943185679 0.9839601124 "Limnodynastes tasmaniensis" "Whitehead P.J., J.T. Puckridge, C.M. Leigh & R.S. Seymour. 1989. Effect of temperature on jump performance of the frog Limnodynastes tasmaniensis. Physiological Zoology 62(4), 937-949." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.1033704724 0.4093436203 25.2045082303 1.9281762079 0.682529607 "Litoria ewingi" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Escape Body Velocity" 5.40257814844E-05 9.5919536056 21.0081943513 9.5919536136 -115.302320062 "Litoria ewingi" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Flee Distance" 8.39234548471E-07 11.0966235166 10.0683117261 11.2854522116 0.1355220628 "Micropterus dolomieu" "Larimore R.W. & M.J. Duever. 1968. Effects of temperature acclimation on the swimming ability of smallmouth bass fry. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 97, 175-184." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.0256869777 1.0646925886 36.4304259856 1.1173965069 0.7580640064 "Micropterus salmoides" "Hocutt C.H. 1973. Swimming performance of three warmwater fishes exposed to a rapid temperature change. Chesapeake Science 14(1), 11-16." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.1785365577 0.237277855 34.1302898083 35.11672309 0.979524496 "Myoxocephalus scorpius" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Angle of Body Turning" 207.650457184 24.459306646 0.1719212653 24.5203964562 -0.1575981974 "Myoxocephalus scorpius" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Body Acceleration" 8.7566682476 0.3197791333 14.1464202177 1.6826903777 0.5315613285 "Myoxocephalus scorpius" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.5031353106 0.172130749 18.4214114367 18.2802150306 0.1444024418 "NA" "Navas C.A. 1996. Metabolic physiology, locomotor performance, and thermal niche breadth in neotropical anurans. Physiological Zoology 69(6), 1481-1501." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.7899708816 2.5295349338 14.1371991336 2.5657200327 0.330481041 "Natrix maura" "Hailey A. & P.M.C. Davies. 1986. Effects of size, sex, temperature and condition on activity metabolism and defence behaviour of the viperine snake, Natrix maura. Journal of Zoology 208, 541-558." "Critical Upright Time" 354.476172818 0.6502976733 28.8261656293 1.9537325274 0.9832931034 "Natrix maura" "Hailey A. & P.M.C. Davies. 1986. Effects of size, sex, temperature and condition on activity metabolism and defence behaviour of the viperine snake, Natrix maura. Journal of Zoology 208, 541-558." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0086646312 1.5594402132 72.831917457 1.5594955903 0.9804863343 "Necturus maculosus" "Miller K. 1982. Effect of temperature on sprint performance in the frog Xenopus laevis and the salamander Necturus maculosus. Copeia 1982(3), 695-698." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1880440222 0.2662302723 17.6717549565 1.3665754647 0.9238060961 "Nerodia sipedon" "Scribner S.J. & P.J. Weatherhead. 1995. Locomotion and antipredator behaviour in three species of semi-aquatic snakes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73, 321-329." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1836900325 0.7732401041 24.0765007357 1.2852767324 0.5746994614 "Nerodia sipedon" "Weatherhead P.J. & I.C. Robertson. 1992. Thermal constraints on swimming performance and escape response of northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon). Canadian Journal of Zoology 70, 94-98." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.3153886552 0.3779428574 148.724851894 47.8745186421 0.7252509617 "Norops lineatopus" "Rand A.S. 1964. Inverse relationship between temperature and shyness in the lizard Anolis lineatopus. Ecology 45(4), 863-864." "Resource Reaction Distance" 9.94012591226E-11 11.3136341925 16.3263869605 12.4408771803 0.2984173509 "Oncorhynchus nerka" "Brett J.R. 1967. Swimming performance of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in relation to fatigue time and temperature. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 24(8), 1731-1741." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.4573066431 0.1665647088 19.4674489024 4.0459898345 0.9849539818 "Phelsuma dubia" "Bergmann P. & D.J. Irschick. 2006. Effects of temperature on maximum acceleration, deceleration and power output during vertical running in geckos. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 1404-1412." "Escape Body Acceleration" 4.1683829162 0.3948305064 34.1774199317 30.7772088345 0.9971895079 "Phelsuma dubia" "Bergmann P. & D.J. Irschick. 2006. Effects of temperature on maximum acceleration, deceleration and power output during vertical running in geckos. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 1404-1412." "Escape Body Deceleration" 3.4261405568 0.4053022484 30.916995395 3.1825123347 0.9990728555 "Phelsuma dubia" "Bergmann P. & D.J. Irschick. 2006. Effects of temperature on maximum acceleration, deceleration and power output during vertical running in geckos. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 1404-1412." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1432611308 0.5130604742 36.97238477 1.0684554781 0.9926362231 "Phelsuma dubia" "Bergmann P. & D.J. Irschick. 2006. Effects of temperature on maximum acceleration, deceleration and power output during vertical running in geckos. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 1404-1412." "Escape Stroke Duration" 1.78539579073E-08 12.9733353363 10.2290328838 13.2371798869 0.980827748 "Phelsuma dubia" "Bergmann P. & D.J. Irschick. 2006. Effects of temperature on maximum acceleration, deceleration and power output during vertical running in geckos. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 1404-1412." "Escape Stroke Length" 0.0202698019 0.1801876353 148.0509899 4.9790351434 0.9615852904 "Phelsuma dubia" "Bergmann P. & D.J. Irschick. 2006. Effects of temperature on maximum acceleration, deceleration and power output during vertical running in geckos. The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 1404-1412." "Mass-Specific Escape Body Power Production" 1.4602334432 0.6593535183 34.5002498941 1.9279979497 0.9902481089 "Plestiodon obsoletus" "Bennett A.F. 1980. The thermal dependence of lizard behaviour. Animal Behaviour 28, 752-762." "Escape Body Velocity" 4.27898499801E-11 8.1883293617 23.8939760197 8.3003131421 0.145502324 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Body Contraction Time" 0.0058319346 16.61125757 2.281580049 16.9219825985 0.9398217799 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Body Response Time" 0.0154922126 19.7114492994 1.5877756758 20.0238048749 0.802926316 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0055763585 0.4664256112 12.6636953926 5.8325605061 0.9307921801 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Stroke Length" 6.20331939298E-13 29.9999999994 5.9352520009 30.3395314409 0.2049197719 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Tail Beat Amplitude" 1.367147909E-12 29.9999999984 5.8043446578 30.277348696 0.3956496559 "Pleuronectes platessa" "Batty R.S. & J.H.S. Blaxter. 1992. The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 170, 187-201." "Escape Tail Beat Rate" 11.4543727057 0.5167626344 12.3928165268 50 0.9817122242 "Podarcis bocagei" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1046895389 0.5604005363 35.4266104371 2.7432462034 0.9692620364 "Podarcis hispanica" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0542096629 0.735774393 36.5276488234 2.0797676991 0.4087481271 "Podarcis lilfordi" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1580389346 0.5902953592 36.5364168407 1.8853926939 0.9899058193 "Podarcis muralis" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.4016622218 0.2978718506 36.7280616765 5.9203240026 0.9632528537 "Podarcis tiliguerta" "van Damme R., D. Bauwens, A.M. Castilla & R.F. Verheyen. 1989. Altitudinal variation of the thermal biology and running performance in the lizard Podarcis tiliguerta. Oecologia 80, 516-524." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0656667891 1.198579551 86.8527461633 1.1987894856 0.8884128392 "Psammodromus algirus" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1995467568 0.5941467935 34.6751512248 1.9088507365 0.996493174 "Psammodromus hispanicus" "Bauwens D., T. Garland, A.M. Castilla & R. van Damme. 1995. Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological and behavioural co-variation. Evolution 49(5), 848-863." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1379634382 0.464476231 37.0818882655 6.8961695937 0.9232602171 "Pseudacris triseriata" "Knowles T.W. & P.D. Weigl. 1990. Thermal dependence of anuran burst locomotor performance. Copeia 1990(3), 796-802." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.286243485 0.223456405 30.3544405964 0.7926680004 0.98233804 "Pseudophryne bibroni" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Escape Body Velocity" 1.0757791296E-05 9.5745619087 19.7481118162 9.574562024 0.0002032985 "Pseudophryne bibroni" "Richards S.J. & Bull. 1990. Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. Copeia 1990, 1041-1046." "Flee Distance" 1.03472111272E-06 11.0382726487 10.0492987053 11.2517404088 0.0991527709 "Pseudotriton ruber" "Marvin G.A. 2003. Aquatic and terrestrial locomotion performance in a semi-aquatic plethodontid salamander (Pseudotriton ruber): influence of acute temperature, thermal acclimation, and body size. Copeia 2003, 704-713." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1632897911 0.2722194953 128.46719043 12.583512481 0.3627967287 "Pseudotriton ruber" "Marvin G.A. 2003. Aquatic and terrestrial locomotion performance in a semi-aquatic plethodontid salamander (Pseudotriton ruber): influence of acute temperature, thermal acclimation, and body size. Copeia 2003, 704-713." "Escape Stroke Length" 82081000.8292 19.2316800276 -5.0005587947 19.3007119274 0.0253985895 "Pseudotriton ruber" "Marvin G.A. 2003. Aquatic and terrestrial locomotion performance in a semi-aquatic plethodontid salamander (Pseudotriton ruber): influence of acute temperature, thermal acclimation, and body size. Copeia 2003, 704-713." "Escape Stroke Rate" 7.33117374502E-05 9.3566601352 17.2697429027 9.3566937519 0.6181334962 "Pseudotriton ruber" "Marvin G.A. 2003. Aquatic and terrestrial locomotion performance in a semi-aquatic plethodontid salamander (Pseudotriton ruber): influence of acute temperature, thermal acclimation, and body size. Copeia 2003, 704-713." "Escape Tail Beat Rate" 0.0002194666 9.2878025885 16.7927139133 9.2878393544 0.2918687764 "Ptychocheilus lucius" "Childs M.R. & R.W. Clarkson. 1996. Temperature effects on swimming performance of larval and juvenile Colorado squawfish: implications for survival and species recovery. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125, 940-947." "Critical Travel Velocity 50%" 0.0869612589 0.2452093879 22.5597941795 4.8184166998 0.7265358756 "Puntius schwanenfeldii" "O'Steen S. & A.F. Bennett. 2003. Thermal acclimation effects differ between voluntary, maximum, and critical swimming velocities in two cyprinid fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4), 484-496." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.1828412106 0.2814656046 69.8791036671 5.0688846567 0.5748513321 "Puntius schwanenfeldii" "O'Steen S. & A.F. Bennett. 2003. Thermal acclimation effects differ between voluntary, maximum, and critical swimming velocities in two cyprinid fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(4), 484-496." "Escape Body Velocity" 1.072646803 0.1158214445 116.932124259 4.7322605028 0.5832709515 "Rana clamitans" "Huey R.B. & R.D. Stevenson. 1979. Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches. American Zoologist 19, 357-366." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.3083418976 0.9107821445 17.067305431 1.3221797146 0.948585427 "Rana clamitans" "Knowles T.W. & P.D. Weigl. 1990. Thermal dependence of anuran burst locomotor performance. Copeia 1990(3), 796-802." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.3076651731 0.3853831359 24.4935848139 2.9109685218 0.9910936348 "Rana pipiens" "Hirano M. & L.C. Rome. 1984. Jumping performance of frogs (Rana pipiens) as a function of muscle temperature. Journal of Experimental Biology 108, 429-439." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.1378421032 0.2623256579 28.9628351341 29.9870621174 0.1546420319 "Rana pipiens" "Putnam R.W. & A.F. Bennett. 1981. Thermal dependence of behavioural performance of anuran amphibians. Animal Behaviour 29, 502-509." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0407103251 0.3288237089 149.900995526 6.5064775865 0.7862881093 "Rana pipiens" "Renaud J.M. & E.D. Stevens. 1983. The extent of long-term temperature compensation for jumping distance in the frog, Rana pipiens, and the toad, Bufo americanus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61, 1284-1287." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.1722425079 0.9754358183 84.101504807 0.9756150015 0.7539812851 "Rana sylvatica" "Knowles T.W. & P.D. Weigl. 1990. Thermal dependence of anuran burst locomotor performance. Copeia 1990(3), 796-802." "Escape Jump Distance" 0.4514048443 0.6517665605 149.999993401 0.6518945837 0.9760290303 "Rhinichthys osculus" "Baltz D.M., P.B. Moyle & N.J. Knight. 1982. Competitive interactions between benthic stream fishes, riffle sculpin, Cottus gulosus, and speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 39, 1502-1511." "Critical Travel Velocity" 0.2810512071 0.226899729 149.115364952 1.9454941668 0.2075374825 "Salmo salar" "Graham W.D., J.E. Thorpe & N.B. Metcalfe. 1996. Seasonal current holding performance of juvenile Atlantic salmon in relation to temperature and smolting. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 53, 80-86." "Critical Holding Velocity" 0.2426481826 0.8652396027 10.3490452028 1.8552448549 0.424347422 "Sceloporus anahuacus" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Flee Distance" 0.0705186661 0.28988592 139.934575951 1.7205594033 -0.1649501085 "Sceloporus anahuacus" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Resource Reaction Distance" 2.7140352697 1E-05 19.4610656139 7.7084023576 -0.0457898584 "Sceloporus gadoviae" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Flee Distance" 2E-09 5.1017281359 31.1453496526 5.2867392325 -0.1528544357 "Sceloporus gadoviae" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Resource Reaction Distance" 6.61139069885E-12 11.3063712866 18.7884005983 12.1517338053 0.283995056 "Sceloporus mucronatus" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Flee Distance" 0.0088560338 0.8562090199 33.5174595613 50 0.0149770932 "Sceloporus mucronatus" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Resource Reaction Distance" 0.0006767501 2.3257104934 30.4843789888 4.8147106551 -0.0082933571 "Sceloporus occidentalis" "Bennett A.F. 1980. The thermal dependence of lizard behaviour. Animal Behaviour 28, 752-762." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0291125329 1.2329670694 96.3484581356 1.2330160949 0.1813289625 "Sceloporus occidentalis" "Marsh R.L. & A.F. Bennett. 1986. Thermal dependence of sprint performance of the lizard Sceloporus occidentalis. Journal of Experimental Biology 126, 79-87." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0272642257 1.7237979417 65.0052312852 1.7239530432 0.9930653763 "Sceloporus occidentalis" "Marsh R.L. & A.F. Bennett. 1986. Thermal dependence of sprint performance of the lizard Sceloporus occidentalis. Journal of Experimental Biology 126, 79-87." "Escape Stroke Length" 0.132635296 2.0088268882 43.5776759101 2.0090719261 0.9496192902 "Sceloporus occidentalis" "Marsh R.L. & A.F. Bennett. 1986. Thermal dependence of sprint performance of the lizard Sceloporus occidentalis. Journal of Experimental Biology 126, 79-87." "Escape Stroke Rate" 0.3377815161 1.4297539613 34.2889762185 1.5060466996 0.99374556 "Sceloporus undulatus" "Angilletta M.J. Jr., T. Hill & M.A. Robson. 2002. Is physiological performance optimized by thermoregulatory behaviour? A case study of the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus. Journal of Thermal Biology 27, 199-204." "Endurance Time" 39.1602004706 0.3749505402 33.1485208663 4.692459511 0.9727267445 "Sceloporus undulatus" "Angilletta M.J. Jr., T. Hill & M.A. Robson. 2002. Is physiological performance optimized by thermoregulatory behaviour? A case study of the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus. Journal of Thermal Biology 27, 199-204." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0018553727 2.1714999767 34.5823046176 2.2330463459 0.9543422375 "Scincella lateralis" "Smith D.G. 1997. Ecological factors influencing the antipredator behaviours of the ground skink, Scincella lateralis. Behavioural Ecology 8(6), 622-629." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.069195823 0.3353874552 33.5383880117 3.7169419378 0.9978739208 "Scincella lateralis" "Smith D.G. 1997. Ecological factors influencing the antipredator behaviours of the ground skink, Scincella lateralis. Behavioural Ecology 8(6), 622-629." "Resource Reaction Distance" 2.92225717075E-10 10.884213231 16.5313533546 11.1470913033 0.0918607803 "Taurulus bubalis" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Angle of Body Turning" 0.1327820096 22.0600260733 2.2821959002 22.2097244714 0.6591554561 "Taurulus bubalis" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Angular Rate of Body Turning" 6.0215788593 5.5295159138 6.0152992254 5.6813528764 0.6356700256 "Taurulus bubalis" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Body Acceleration" 8.5057294391 2.0677423791 37.4004871088 2.0678725533 0.9036506754 "Taurulus bubalis" "Temple G.K. & I.A. Johnston. 1998. Testing hypotheses concerning the phenotypic plasticity of escape performance in fish of the family Cottidae. The Journal of Experimental Biology 201, 317-331." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.2735062802 1.8272149717 11.708720948 2.189330427 0.3997155289 "Teratoscincus przewalskii" "Autumn K., R.B. Weinstein & R.J. Full. 1994. Low cost of locomotion increases performance at low temperature in a nocturnal lizard. Physiological Zoology 67(1), 238-262." "Endurance Time" 39.1103595275 0.6895956601 129.465742088 6.2520914895 -0.0474117832 "Thamnophis elegans vagrans" "Stevenson R.D., C.R. Peterson & J. Tsuji. 1985. The thermal dependence of locomotion, tongue flicking, digestion, and oxygen consumption in the wandering garter snake. Physiological Zoology 58(1), 46-57." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0561816551 1.2679532904 80.0200962463 1.2680539451 0.7112596602 "Thamnophis sauritus" "Scribner S.J. & P.J. Weatherhead. 1995. Locomotion and antipredator behaviour in three species of semi-aquatic snakes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73, 321-329." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0909815531 0.6179918424 27.064067802 1.7649824162 0.4010727326 "Thamnophis sirtalis" "Heckrotte C. 1967. Relations of body-temperature, size, and crawling speed of the common garter snake, Thamnophis s. sirtalis. Copeia 1967(4), 759-763." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.0020601487 1.8685179033 68.0735480374 1.8685537102 0.1514203344 "Thamnophis sirtalis" "Scribner S.J. & P.J. Weatherhead. 1995. Locomotion and antipredator behaviour in three species of semi-aquatic snakes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73, 321-329." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.1223811002 0.6710502939 25.8900002575 1.2383797877 0.4542161887 "Uma inornata" "Bennett A.F. 1980. The thermal dependence of lizard behaviour. Animal Behaviour 28, 752-762." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.4163957477 0.4595400778 42.0235346373 0.8451322696 0.9808956678 "Uromastyx aegyptia" "Dmi'el R. & D. Rappeport. 1976. Effect of temperature on metabolism during running in the lizard Uromastix aegyptius. Physiological Zoology 49, 77-84." "Escape Gait Change Velocity" 8.19127514716E-31 17.7477122703 29.5236237037 21.9624788167 -2.6769638509 "Urosaurus bicarinatus" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Flee Distance" 5.99571495862E-18 7.9653229314 45.5175857549 7.9655125616 -0.1924131168 "Urosaurus bicarinatus" "Smith G.R. & J.A. Lemos-Espinal. 2005. Comparative escape behaviour of four species of Mexican phrynosomatid lizards. Herpetologia 61(3), 225-232." "Resource Reaction Distance" 1.78879808718E-33 15.9699712137 35.641233806 18.1346813881 -0.199310464 "Uta stansburiana" "Waldschmidt S. & C.R. Tracy. 1983. Interactions between a lizard and its thermal environment: implications for sprint performance and space utilization in the lizard Uta stansburiana. Ecology 64(3), 476-484." "Escape Body Velocity Probability" 0.0001172667 2.6701059343 54.3159951384 2.6702373493 0.6593517792 "Xenopus laevis" "Miller K. 1982. Effect of temperature on sprint performance in the frog Xenopus laevis and the salamander Necturus maculosus. Copeia 1982(3), 695-698." "Escape Body Velocity" 0.2572696773 0.2481966951 29.3776911417 49.8622720647 0.9561200215