###### Pentrance of symbiont-mediated parthenogenesis is driven by reproductive rate in a parasitoid wasp ###### METADATA ###### Amelia R. I. Lindsey and Richard Stouthamer ###### University of California Riverside All raw data is contained within different sheets in the raw_data.xlsx excel file, and is organized according to figure. ### Figures 2 and 3 ### ####################### Card - The exact egg card from which the reported offspring emerged. Egg cards are named after the treatment, the individual mother, and the day of the trial on which she parasitized that card. Treatment - 1 through 3. Correspond to treatments in Figure 1 (See manuscript). Replicate — Individual wasps for a particular treatment. Day — Day of the trial. Female — Number of female offspring that emerged from the respective card. Male — Number of male offspring that emerged from the respective card. Intersex - Number of intersex offspring that emerged from the respective card. ### Figure 4 ### ################ Card - The exact egg card from which the reported offspring emerged. Egg cards are named after the treatment, the individual mother, and the day of the trial on which she parasitized that card. Treatment - Either CON (control) or EX (experimental). See manuscript for details. Replicate — Individual wasps for a particular treatment. Day — Day of the trial. Female — Number of female offspring that emerged from the respective card. Male — Number of male offspring that emerged from the respective card. Intersex - Number of intersex offspring that emerged from the respective card. ### Figure 5A ### ################# Wasp — Unique identifier for individual wasps which were assayed for Wolbachia titer. Wasp identifiers are named after the treatment and the individual mother — matching the first portion of the “card” identifier in the data for Figures 2 and 3. For example, wasp HA3-3 parasitized egg card HA3-3-5 on day five of the trial. Treatment - 1 through 3. Correspond to treatments in Figure 1 (See manuscript). 16S_Ct - Ct values for 16S amplification, average of three technical replicates for that sample. wg_Ct - Ct values for wingless amplification, average of three technical replicates for that sample. ddCt - Delta delta Ct, normalized to the average 2-dCt of treatment 1. ### Figure 5B ### ################# Wasp — Unique identifier for individual wasps which were assayed for Wolbachia titer. Wasp identifiers are named after the sex of the wasp, the replicate, and the individual mother. Mother - A through C. One of three mothers from which offspring were assayed. Sex — Sex of the wasp. 16S_Ct - Ct values for 16S amplification, average of three technical replicates for that sample. wg_Ct - Ct values for wingless amplification, average of three technical replicates for that sample. ddCt - Delta delta Ct, normalized to the average 2-dCt of females.