#NEXUS [written Sat Apr 08 17:53:43 CST 2017 by Mesquite version 3.10 (build 765) at Xijun-Nis-MacBook-Pro.local/] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=42; TAXLABELS Marmota_monax Keramidomys_fahlbuschi Eutypomys_inexpectatus Agnotocastor_praetereadens Agnotocastor_devius Agnotocastor_galushai Agnotocastor_readingi Agnotocastor_coloradensis Agnotocastor_aubekerovi Propalaeocastor_irtyshensis Propalaeocastor_kazachstanicus Propalaeocastor_kumbulakensis Propalaeocastor_schokensis Propalaeocastor_shevyrevae Propalaeocastor_butselensis Steneofiber_aff._dehmi Oligotheriomys_primus Neatocastor_hesperus Anchitheriomys_fluminis Anchitheriomys_tungurensis Hystricops_venustus Miotheriomys_stenodon Migmacastor_procumbodens Microtheriomys_brevirhinus Minocastor_godai Palaeocastor_nebrascensis Capacikala_gradatus Euhapsis_platyceps Capatanka_cankpeopi Monosaulax_panus Eucastor_tortus Dipoides_majori Procastoroides_sweeti Trogontherioum_cuvieri Euroxenomys_minutus Youngofiber_siensis Steneofiber_castorinus Steneofiber_eseri Steneofiber_depereti Chalicomys_batalleri Castor_anderssoni Castor_canadensis ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=146; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Upper_P3 / 0_present 1_absent, 2 Upper_P4_size_relative_to_upper_M1 / 0_subequal 1_larger 2_much_larger, 3 Upper_M3_size_relative_to_upper_M1_or_M2 / 0_significantly_smaller 1_slightly_smaller 2_subequal 3_larger, 4 'Upper P4-M3 metaconule' / 0_present 1_absent, 5 'Upper P4-M3 hypocone' / 0_absent 1_present, 6 Upper_molars_mesiodistally_compression / 0_absent 1_present, 7 Upper_or_lower_tooth_row_distally_divergence / 0_absent 1_present, 8 Cheek_teeth_roots / 0_unfused 1_partly_fused 2_fused_and_open, 9 Cheek_teeth_cement_presence / 0_absent 1_present, 10 'Upper M3 or lower m3 mesiodistally elongation (length significantly larger than width)' / 0_absent 1_present, 11 Cheek_teeth_crown_height / 0_brachydont 1_mesodont 2_hyposodont_with_closed_root 3_hyposodont_with_open_root, 12 Upper_teeth_lingual_higher_than_buccal_or_lower_teeth_buccal_higher_than_lingual_ / 0_absent 1_present, 13 Cheek_teeth_crown_structure / '0 bunodont-lophodont' 1_lophodont, 14 Cheek_teeth_occlusal_surface_morphology_after_medium_wear / 0_complex_lophs_with_enamel_islands 1_double_loops 2_four_transverse_lophs 3_S_type, 15 Cheek_teeth_enamel_folds_crenulation / 0_complex 1_simple, 16 Upper_incisor_buccal_surface_flatness / 0_slightly_convex 1_very_convex 2_flat, 17 Lower_incisor_buccal_surface_flatness / 0_slightly_convex 1_very_convex 2_flat, 18 Incisors_enamel_surface_ornamentation / 0_smooth 1_weak_ridges 2_strong_ridges, 19 Upper_P4_paracone / 0_single_cusp 1_mass_with_multiridges_and_cuspules '2 two transverse loph-like' '3 single loph-like', 20 Upper_molars_paracone / 0_single_cusp 1_mass_with_multiridges_and_cuspules '2 two transverse loph-like' '3 single loph-like', 21 Upper_cheek_teeth_metacone / 0_single_cusp 1_mass_with_multiridges_and_cupules '2 two transverse loph-like' '3 single loph-like', 22 Upper_P4_premesofossette_presence_in_paracone_mass_in_medium_wear_stage / '0 present, persisting from young to adult' 1_present_only_in_young 2_absent, 23 Upper_P4_premesofossette_shape_in_paracone_mass_in_medium_wear_stage / 0_transversely_long_valley '1 small enamel island-like fossa(e)', 24 'Upper P4 short ridge enclosing the lingual part of the paracone mass (protolophule II present)' / 0_present 1_absent, 25 Upper_P4_protolophule_I_of_the_paracone_mass_mesiolingually_connects_the_preprotocrista_in_medium_wear_stage_ / 0_absent 1_present, 26 Upper_P4_short_ridge_mesiodistally_connects_the_paracone_mass_and_the_preprotocrista / 0_absent 1_present, 27 'Upper M1-2 premesofossette presence in paracone mass in medium wear stage' / 0_present 1_absent, 28 'Upper M1-2 premesofossette shape in paracone mass in medium wear stage' / 0_transversely_elongated_valley '1 small enamel island-like fossa(e)', 29 'Upper M1-2 protolophule I of the paracone mass mesiolingually connects the preprotocrista in medium wear stage ' / 0_absent '1 present; a distinct fossa present between the paracone mass and protocone', 30 'Upper M1-2 short ridge enclosing the lingual part of the paracone mass (protolophule II present)' / 0_absent 1_present, 31 'Upper M1-2 short ridge mesiodistally connects the paracone mass and the preprotocrista' / 0_absent 1_present, 32 Upper_P4_postmesofossette_presence_in_metacone_mass_in_medium_wear_stage / 0_present 1_absent, 33 Upper_P4_postmesofossette_shape_in_metacone_mass_in_medium_wear_stage / 0_transversely_long_valley '1 small enamel island-like fossa(e)' 2_oblique_long_valley, 34 'Upper P4 short ridge transversely connecting lingual part of the metacone mass and the prehypocrista (metalophule I present)' / 0_absent 1_present, 35 'Upper P4 short ridge mesiodistally connecting lingual part of the metacone mass and the posthypocrista (metalophule II present)' / 0_absent 1_present, 36 Upper_P4_short_ridge_enclosing_the_lingual_part_of_the_metacone_mass / 0_present 1_absent, 37 'Upper M1-2 postmesofossette presence in metacone mass in medium wear stage' / 0_present 1_absent, 38 'Upper M1-2 postmesofossette shape in metacone mass in medium wear stage' / 0_transversely_long_valley '1 small enamel island-like fossa(e)', 39 'Upper M1-2 short ridge transversely connecting lingual part of the metacone mass and the prehypocrista (metalophule I present)' / 0_absent 1_present, 40 'Upper M1-2 short ridge mesiodistally connecting lingual part of the metacone mass and the posthypocrista (metalophule II present)' / 0_absent 1_present, 41 'Upper M1-2 metaloph I presence' / 0_present 1_absent, 42 'Upper M1-2 short ridge enclosing the lingual part of the metacone mass' / 0_present 1_absent, 43 Upper_P4_preprotocrista_buccal_end_height_relative_to_the_paracone_mass_or_paracone / 0_lower 1_subequal, 44 'Upper M1-2 preprotocrista buccal end height relative to the paracone mass or paracone' / 0_lower 1_subequal, 45 'Upper P4 preprotocrista buccal end (parastyle) fused with the paracone mass or paracone' / 0_absent 1_present, 46 'Upper M1-2 preprotocrista buccal end (parastyle) fused with the paracone mass or paracone' / 0_absent 1_present, 47 Upper_cheek_teeth_protocone_and_preprotocrista_form_an_even_loph_ / 0_absent 1_present, 48 Upper_cheek_teeth_postprotocrista / 0_present 1_absent, 49 Upper_cheek_teeth_hypoflexus_depth / 0_shallow 1_deep 2_very_deep, 50 'Upper P4 connection betweeen the paracone mass and entoloph (protolophule II present)' / 0_developed 1_weak_or_unconnected, 51 'Upper M1-2 connection betweeen the paracone mass and entoloph (protolophule II present)' / 0_developed 1_weak_or_unconnected, 52 Upper_P4_prehypocrista_and_paracone_form_an_even_loph / 0_absent 1_present, 53 'Upper M1-2 prehypocrista and paracone form an even loph' / 0_absent 1_present, 54 Upper_P4_postcingulum_buccal_end_fused_with_the_metacone_in_moderate_wear / '0 absent, the metaflexus is open' '1 present, the metaflexus is closed', 55 'Upper M1-2 postcingulum buccal end fused with the metacone in moderate wear' / '0 absent, the metaflexus is open' '1 present, the metaflexus is closed', 56 Upper_cheek_teeth_buccal_part_of_the_postcingulum / 0_thin_and_unexpanded 1_thick_and_expanding_into_a_loph 2_expanding_into_a_loop, 57 Upper_P4_postcingulum_merged_with_the_metacone / '0 absent, the metaflexus is present' '1 present, the metaflexus is absent', 58 'Upper M1-2 postcingulum merged with the metacone' / '0 absent, the metaflexus is present' '1 present, the metaflexus is absent', 59 'Upper P4 and lower p4 hypoflexus(id) extension' / '0 close to the enamel-dentine junction' 1_well_above_the_EDJ '2 open-rooted extending to root', 60 'Upper M1-2 and lower m1-2 hypoflexus(id) extension' / '0 close to the enamel-dentine junction' 1_well_above_the_EDJ '2 open-rooted extending to root', 61 'Upper P4 and lower p4 mesoflexus(id) extension' / '0 close to the enamel-dentine junction' 1_well_above_the_EDJ '2 open-rooted extending to root', 62 'Upper M1-2 and lower m1-2 mesoflexus(id) extension' / '0 close to the enamel-dentine junction' 1_well_above_the_EDJ '2 open-rooted extending to root', 63 'Upper M1-2 outline' / 0_square 1_subtriangular 2_width_larger_than_length, 64 'Lower m1-2 outline' / 0_suqare 1_length_larger_than_width '2 rhombic, width larger than length', 65 Upper_cheek_teeth_mesocone / 0_present 1_absent, 66 Upper_cheek_teeth_mesoloph / 0_present 1_absent, 67 Upper_cheek_teeth_mesostyle / 0_present 1_absent, 68 Lower_p4_size_relatvie_to_m1 / 0_smaller 1_subequal 2_larger 3_much_larger, 69 Lower_p4_anteroconid / 0_present 1_absent, 70 'Lower p4 anterolophid (=paracristid)' / 0_absent 1_present, 71 Lower_p4_postprotocristid / 0_absent 1_present, 72 Lower_p4_metaconid_region_shape / 0_single_cusp 1_metaconid_mass_with_multiridges_and_folds 2_two_major_lophs, 73 Lowe_p4_metalophid_I_presence / 0_absent 1_present, 74 Lower_p4_metalophid_I_shape / 0_short_single_spur_or_ridge 1_long_irrigular_ridge_with_folds 2_strong_even_loph, 75 Lower_p4_metalophid_I_connection_to_the_protoconid_ / 0_absent 1_present, 76 'Lower p4 premetafossettid enclosing by the metalophid I and the paracristid (anterolophid)' / 0_present 1_absent, 77 'Lower p4 metalophid I and paracristid (anterolophid) form an even loph' / 0_absent 1_present, 78 Lower_p4_metastylid_separation / '0 absent, metaconid and metastylid regions are connected or fused' '1 present, metaconid and metastylid regions are unconnected', 79 Lower_p4_metastylid_crest / 0_present 1_absent, 80 Lower_p4_metalophid_II_shape / '0 absent or short spur-like' 1_long_loph_with_accessroy_ridges 2_long_even_loph, 81 Lower_p4_premesofossettid / 0_present 1_absent, 82 Lower_p4_mesoconid / 0_present 1_absent, 83 Lower_p4_mesolophid / 0_present 1_absent, 84 'Lower p4 cristid obliqua (ectolophid) presence' / 0_present 1_absent, 85 'Lower p4 cristid obliqua (ectolophid) development' / 0_low_ridge 1_high_loph, 86 Lower_p4_cristid_obliqua_orientation / 0_mesiodistal 1_oblique, 87 'Lower p4 cristid obliqua hook (mesial hypoconid arm)' / 0_absent 1_present, 88 Lower_p4_entoconid_region_shape / 0_single_cusp 1_entoconid_mass_with_multiridges_and_folds 2_single_loph, 89 Lower_p4_postmesofossettid / 0_absent 1_present, 90 'Lower p4 protoconid, cristid obliqua and hypolophid form an even loph' / 0_absent 1_present, 91 Lower_p4_posterolophid_lingual_end_expansion / '0 absent, unexpanded' '1 expanded, posterolophid as an even loph', 92 Lower_p4_entoconid_and_posterolophid_lingual_connection_in_medium_wear_stage / 0_present 1_absent, 93 Lower_cheek_teeth_hypoflexid_extension / 0_shallow 1_medium 2_very_deep, 94 Lower_p4_metaconid_and_entoconid_connection_along_the_lingual_margin_in_medium_wear_stage / 0_unconnected 1_connected, 95 'Lower m1-2 anterior cingulid' / 0_present 1_absent, 96 'Lower m1-2 metaconid region fused into one even loph in medium wear stage' / 0_absent 1_present, 97 Lower_m3_size_relative_to_m1_or_m2 / 0_smaller 1_subequal 2_larger, 98 'Lower m1-2 anterolophid (=paracristid)' / 0_absent 1_present, 99 'Lower m1-2 metaconid region shape' / 0_single_cusp 1_metaconid_mass_with_multiridges_and_folds 2_two_major_lophs 3_single_fused_loph, 100 'Lower m1-2 metalophid I presence' / 0_absent 1_present, 101 'Lower m1-2 metalophid I shape' / 0_short_single_spur_or_ridge 1_long_irrigular_ridge_with_folds 2_strong_even_loph, 102 'Lower m1-2 metalophid I connection to the protoconid ' / 0_absent 1_present, 103 'Lower m1-2 premetafossettid enclosing by the metalophid I and the paracristid (anterolophid)' / 0_present 1_absent, 104 'Lower m1-2 metalophid I and paracristid (anterolophid) form an even loph' / 0_absent 1_present, 105 'Lower m1-2 metastylid separation' / '0 absent, metaconid and metastylid regions are connected or fused' '1 present, metaconid and metastylid regions are unconnected', 106 'Lower m1-2 metastylid crest' / 0_present 1_absent, 107 'Lower m1-2 metalophid II shape' / '0 absent or short spur-like' 1_long_loph_with_accessroy_ridges 2_long_even_loph, 108 'Lower m1-2 premesofossettid' / 0_present 1_absent, 109 'Lower m1-2 mesoconid' / 0_present 1_absent, 110 'Lower m1-2 mesolophid' / 0_present 1_absent, 111 'Lower m1-2 cristid obliqua (ectolophid) presence' / 0_present 1_absent, 112 'Lower m1-2 cristid obliqua (ectolophid) development' / 0_low_ridge 1_high_loph, 113 'Lower m1-2 cristid obliqua orientation' / 0_mesiodistal 1_oblique, 114 'Lower m1-2 cristid obliqua hook (mesial hypoconid arm)' / 0_absent 1_present, 115 'Lower m1-2 entoconid region shape' / 0_single_cusp 1_entoconid_mass_with_multiridges_and_folds 2_single_loph, 116 'Lower m1-2 postmesofossettid' / 0_absent 1_present, 117 'Lower m1-2 protoconid, cristid obliqua and hypolophid form an even loph' / 0_absent 1_present, 118 'Lower m1-2 posterolophid lingual end expansion' / '0 absent, unexpanded' '1 expanded, posterolophid as an even loph', 119 'Lower m1-2 entoconid and posterolophid lingual connection in medium wear stage' / 0_present 1_absent, 120 'Lower m1-2 metaconid and entoconid connection along the lingual margin in medium wear stage' / 0_unconnected 1_connected, 121 'Korth 2002.stapedial foramen (artery)' / 0_present 1_absent, 122 'Korth 2002. posterior palatine foramina in palatine-maxillary suture' / 0_no 1_yes, 123 Korth_2002._grooved_palate / 0_absent_ 1_present, 124 Korth_2002._incisive_foramen_less_than_30%_length_of_diastema / 0_no 1_yes, 125 Korth_2002._rostrum_broad_and_shortened / 0_no 1_yes, 126 'Korth 2002. deep (dorsoventrally) zygomata' / 0_no 1_yes, 127 'Korth 2002. (Xu 1995 C9.) contact between jugal and lacrimal' / 0_present 1_absent, 128 'Korth 2002.(Xu 1995 C11.) alternating alignment of mandibular condyles (zig-zag)' / 0_absent 1_present, 129 Skull_infraorbital_foramen_size / 0_small 1_large, 130 Xu_1995_C2._digastric_eminence_on_mandible / absent present, 131 Xu_1995_C3._mandible_angle / 0_mandible_angle_extending_ventroposteriorly 1_mandible_angle_extending_dorsoposteriorly, 132 Xu_1995_C4._skull_height / 0_high 1_shallow 2_very_shallow, 133 Xu_1995_C5.masseteric_origin_ridge / 0_node 1_straight 2_convex 3_slightly_concave '4 "C"-shaped', 134 Xu_1995_C6._straight_masseteric_origin_ridge / 0_node 1_short_straight 2_long_straight '3 very long straight (can be seen dorsally)', 135 Xu_1995_C7._infraorbital_foramen_position / 0_ventral 1_intermediate 2_dorsal, 136 Xu_1995_C8._interparietal / '0 large (one third the occipital width)' '1 small (one fifth the occipital width)' '2 tiny (less than one eighth the occipital width)' 3_absent, 137 Xu_1995_C10._suture_position_between_jugal_and_maxilla / 0_contact_with_lacrimal 1_posteriorly_close_to_lacrimal 2_far_from_lacrimal 3_farther_to_lacrimal, 138 Xu_1995_C12._sagittal_crest / 0_not_lyrate 1_lyrate, 139 Xu_1995_C14._occipital_region / 0_vertical 1_inclined, 140 Xu_1995_C15._ratio_of_postzygomatic_skull_length_vs._skull_length / '0 0.22-0.25' '1 0.18-0.20' '2 0.14-0.16' '3 0.10-0.12', 141 Xu_1995_C16._basioccipital_depression / 0_absent 1_rectangle 2_round_and_shallow 3_round_and_deep, 142 Mandible_capsular_process / 0_weak 1_large, 143 Mandible_mental_foramen_position / 0_anterior_to_the_lower_p4 1_beneath_anterior_root_of_the_lower_p4, 144 Mandible_alvelolar_line_and_inferior_mandible_margin / 0_nearly_parallel 1_angled, 145 Mandible._space_between_the_lower_tooth_row_and_vertical_ramus / 0_narrow 1_broad, 146 geography / North_America Asia Europe ; MATRIX Marmota_monax 0030000000010-11120002----1----1----1-----000000-----11000--0012110101100------0-11000100010001021012111010111000100010010000101000000000000000000 Keramidomys_fahlbuschi 101110000000121???2222---01---01-10-1-101-1100011110011000001101000000000--1--1210000110000010000101211101-1000011000000?????????00??????????00011 Eutypomys_inexpectatus 0011100000000001101110101001111001(0 1)(0 1)011100000000000001100000000100000001100101110001---100000000101110101111001---100000????1000100000000000000000 Agnotocastor_praetereadens 0111100000111011?011100010000001-0111-0111111100100001100000012?111???1?????????????????????????????????????????????????00000000???0000000000????0 Agnotocastor_devius 011110000011100?0?11100010000001-0111-0011111100100001100000002111121111100000110110111110001010111111000121110111200000??????????????????????10?1 Agnotocastor_galushai ??????000011100?00?????????????????????????????????????????????0???21111110100000110111110001010011100100011110111110000?????????10???????????11?0 Agnotocastor_readingi ?00110000011100?0011100000011111-(0 1)(0 1)1011100111100100001100000000111121111110100110110111110001010?11111100120110111110000?????????0????????????11?0 Agnotocastor_coloradensis ??????000?11100?00?????????????????????????????????????????????0???21111110000011110111100001010?11110100011110111110000?????????1????????????01?0 Agnotocastor_aubekerovi ??????000011100?00?????????????????????????????????????????????0???21111100100010110111110001010111110000010110111110000?????????10???????????(0 1)0?1 Propalaeocastor_irtyshensis 011110000011100?001110101000111011101-1100010100100000000000000011121111100100010110111110001010111110000110110111110000?1??????1?0??????????11111 Propalaeocastor_kazachstanicus ?11110000011100?00111010100111000010000110111100100001100000000011121111101000010110111110001010111100000010110111110000?????????1????????????11?1 Propalaeocastor_kumbulakensis ?11110000011100?00111010000101001010011000000001100001100000000111121111111000011110111100001010111110000010110111100000?????????00???????????10?1 Propalaeocastor_schokensis ?11110000011100???111010000111001010011100010101100001100001011011121111110000010110111110001010111110000010110111110000?????????????????????????1 Propalaeocastor_shevyrevae ?11110000011100???111010100011100100001110110100100001100000000111121111110000010110111110001010111110000010110111100000?????????????????????????1 Propalaeocastor_butselensis ?10110000011100???1110101001110011101-1111010100100000000000002111111111100100010110111100001010111110000010110111100000?????????10???????????00?2 Steneofiber_aff._dehmi ?11110000011100???11101011011111-011010110101100100001100000000111121111100100010110111100001010011100100010110111110000?????????????????????????2 Oligotheriomys_primus 011110100011100???111?????01111?????011100?1?0001?0?0?10?0?0?00?111??????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???????????????????????0 Neatocastor_hesperus 0011100000111110001110000000010001101-010-001100111001100000000011121111100100101110111100001010011101000121110111200000?000000?0?00120??00???0?10 Anchitheriomys_fluminis 112110100011100?12111110100101101010010110?11100100001100000111111121111100100121110111200101110?111200001211101112001000001000?1000301110000100?0 Anchitheriomys_tungurensis ?1?110100011100?121111101001110010101-010-?11100100001100000111111131111111000010110111100101110111110000010110111100001?????????10??????????10001 Hystricops_venustus ???????00?11111????????????????????????????????????????????????1???31111121000121110111200101010?12121110121110111200101?????????????????????????0 Miotheriomys_stenodon ?1111010?011100?11111000000001001110011110011100100001100000110111121111101000010110111100001010111100100111110111100000???????1?01???????????00?0 Migmacastor_procumbodens 110111100011111?002222-1101-0-01-01-1-011-111110100011100001112011121112121110121110111200001110012121110121110111200001?0110000010????0?????10010 Microtheriomys_brevirhinus 10?11000??111000011110001000110001100001100111001000011000000001111?????????????????????????1?10?11110000021110111200000?10?10??0?????0???????0?00 Minocastor_godai ?111111000211001111110010001010000101-1111010100100001100000110011121111110000111110111210001010112110000121110111210001?????????11???????????(0 1)101 Palaeocastor_nebrascensis 101110?0?021101???22211-00010-00101001111-111100100001100000110111111112101100111110111110001010012121110121110111200101?????????????????????????0 Capacikala_gradatus 1111111000211112202222--(0 1)01-0-01-00-1-011-111100100001110001111111131112121110121110111200101110012121110121110111200101111111010100110001010101?0 Euhapsis_platyceps 11????000?111112?0?????????????????????????????????????????????0???21112121110121110111200001110?13121110121110111201001111111020102201300120???10 Capatanka_cankpeopi 1111110000111110002222--001-0-01-01-1-011-111110100001110001112011121112121110121110111200001110012121110121110111200001??????12?101201100020001?0 Monosaulax_panus 11111010?011111?102222--001-0-01-00-1-011-11111010011110000011101112111212111012111011120010101011212111012111011120010(0 1)?11???1?0??0??????????0?00 Eucastor_tortus 12?1111110111311102222--001-0-01-01-1-011-11111010011111010111111112111212111112111011120100201101312111012111011120100011110111?100401120000100?0 Dipoides_majori 1221111210311310003332----1-0-01----1--11-111111200111111122220111121112121111121110111201002011113121110121110111201000?????????10??????????11101 Procastoroides_sweeti 1111101210311311102332--001-0-01----1-011-11111020011111112222011112101212111112111011120100201101312111012111011120100011110111?1004011200021?1?0 Trogontherioum_cuvieri 1131111101211211112222--001-0-01-01-1-011-11111010011111000101101113111212111112111011120111101021212111112111011120110011110111?1003011100001011(1 2) Euroxenomys_minutus 12(2 3)11110112112101022211000010101-01-1-011-111110100001110000111111121112121000121110111200101010012110000121110111200101111101110?0???????????01?2 Youngofiber_siensis 1231111000111211122222--001-0-01-01-1-011-11111010011112000011111113????????????????????????1?10?111100001211101112001001111011101003011100?010111 Steneofiber_castorinus 1101111100111111102222--001-0-01-(0 1)0-1-011-11111010000110000100101112111212111012111011120010101011212111012111011120010011110100?110120000010????2 Steneofiber_eseri 111110110011111110222(1 2)1000(0 1)1000(0 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8 - 11\3 15 - 18\3 19 - 22 49 56 68 72 74 80 88 93 97 99 101 107 115 135 - 136 140; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1 - 146; END; BEGIN TREES; Title 'Trees from "Li_et_al_Propalaeocastor_with_references_2017.2.22_geography.nex"'; ID 015b4bab26991; LINK Taxa = Taxa; TRANSLATE [0] 1 Marmota_monax, [1] 2 Keramidomys_fahlbuschi, [2] 3 Eutypomys_inexpectatus, [3] 4 Agnotocastor_praetereadens, [4] 5 Agnotocastor_devius, [5] 6 Agnotocastor_galushai, [6] 7 Agnotocastor_readingi, [7] 8 Agnotocastor_coloradensis, [8] 9 Agnotocastor_aubekerovi, [9] 10 Propalaeocastor_irtyshensis, [10] 11 Propalaeocastor_kazachstanicus, [11] 12 Propalaeocastor_kumbulakensis, [12] 13 Propalaeocastor_schokensis, [13] 14 Propalaeocastor_shevyrevae, [14] 15 Propalaeocastor_butselensis, [15] 16 Steneofiber_aff._dehmi, [16] 17 Oligotheriomys_primus, [17] 18 Neatocastor_hesperus, [18] 19 Anchitheriomys_fluminis, [19] 20 Anchitheriomys_tungurensis, [20] 21 Hystricops_venustus, [21] 22 Miotheriomys_stenodon, [22] 23 Migmacastor_procumbodens, [23] 24 Microtheriomys_brevirhinus, [24] 25 Minocastor_godai, [25] 26 Palaeocastor_nebrascensis, [26] 27 Capacikala_gradatus, [27] 28 Euhapsis_platyceps, [28] 29 Capatanka_cankpeopi, [29] 30 Monosaulax_panus, [30] 31 Eucastor_tortus, [31] 32 Dipoides_majori, [32] 33 Procastoroides_sweeti, [33] 34 Trogontherioum_cuvieri, [34] 35 Euroxenomys_minutus, [35] 36 Youngofiber_siensis, [36] 37 Steneofiber_castorinus, [37] 38 Steneofiber_eseri, [38] 39 Steneofiber_depereti, [39] 40 Chalicomys_batalleri, [40] 41 Castor_anderssoni, [41] 42 Castor_canadensis; TREE MajRule = (1,2,(3,((((4,5),((19,20),((((((21,(((((23,(28,29)),27),(((37,(40,(41,42))),39),38)),((31,(32,33)),34)),30)),36),35),26),25),22))),18,24),((((((6,(7,17),16),11,14),((8,12),13)),10),9),15)))); END; BEGIN NOTES; TEXT TAXON = 1 TEXT = 'extant, stored in Ni''s colletion.'; TEXT TAXON = 2 TEXT = 'See Qiu, 1996, p. 67-fig. 36 and plate V, 8-11; and Qiu & Li, 2016, p.130-fig.67..'; TEXT TAXON = 3 TEXT = 'See Wood (1974)p.91 fig. 37.'; TEXT TAXON = 4 TEXT = 'see Stirton, 1935, p.396, fig. 13.'; TEXT TAXON = 5 TEXT = 'See Lytschev & Shevyreva, 1994.'; TEXT TAXON = 6 TEXT = 'Emry, 1972, figs. 1-2.'; TEXT TAXON = 7 TEXT = 'Korth (1988), fig. 1.^n^nKorth (1996a).'; TEXT TAXON = 8 TEXT = 'Wilson (1949), figs 2 and 2a.'; TEXT TAXON = 9 TEXT = 'See Lytschew (1978), fig 1.'; TEXT TAXON = 10 TEXT = 'Wu et al. (2004).'; TEXT TAXON = 11 TEXT = 'Borisoglebskaya, 1967.^n^nLytschev & Shevyreva, 1994.'; TEXT TAXON = 12 TEXT = 'Bendukidze et al. (2009), plates 3,5.^n^nLopatin (2003,2004)^n^nLytschev (1970), fig. 4.'; TEXT TAXON = 13 TEXT = 'Bendukidze et al. (2009), plates 3,5.^n^nLopatin ((2003,2004).'; TEXT TAXON = 14 TEXT = 'Lytschev & Shevyreva, 1994.'; TEXT TAXON = 15 TEXT = 'See Hugueney (1975) plate 1, NOT Misonne (1957).'; TEXT TAXON = 16 TEXT = 'See Hugueney (1975), plate 1..'; TEXT TAXON = 17 TEXT = 'See Korth (1998).'; TEXT TAXON = 18 TEXT = 'Korth (1996b).'; TEXT TAXON = 19 TEXT = 'Skull and upper cheek teeth morphs see Korth et Emry (1997), lower mandible and cheek teeth see Stirton (1935).'; TEXT TAXON = 20 TEXT = 'Cheek teeth features see Stirton (1934); Mandible features see Qiu (1996).'; TEXT TAXON = 21 TEXT = 'Stirton, 1935.'; TEXT TAXON = 22 TEXT = 'See Korth (2004), Annals of Cargegie Museum, 73(2):1-11.'; TEXT TAXON = 23 TEXT = 'Korth et Rybczynski (2003). Upper teeth, see Figure 5. Lower teeth see Figure 5, 4.'; TEXT TAXON = 24 TEXT = 'See Korth & Samuels (2015), figs. 3-4.'; TEXT TAXON = 25 TEXT = 'See Mors et al (2016), figs. 1-6.'; TEXT TAXON = 26 TEXT = 'Stirton, 1935.'; TEXT TAXON = 27 TEXT = 'MacDonald (1963), and Stefen (2014).'; TEXT TAXON = 28 TEXT = 'Peterson, 1905.'; TEXT TAXON = 29 TEXT = 'MacDonald (1963).'; TEXT TAXON = 30 TEXT = 'Stirton (1935) and Korth (2002).'; TEXT TAXON = 31 TEXT = 'Korth (2008) Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53(2): 169-182.'; TEXT TAXON = 32 TEXT = 'Xu, 1994 and Qiu & Li, 2016.'; TEXT TAXON = 33 TEXT = 'Barbour & Schultz (1937).'; TEXT TAXON = 34 TEXT = 'Xu (1994) and new specimens recently collected from Liaoning Province (maxillae, dentaries).'; TEXT TAXON = 35 TEXT = 'See Hugeney (1999) and Prieto et al (2014).'; TEXT TAXON = 36 TEXT = 'Young (1955), Chow & Li (1978) and Xu (1994). IVPP V .793.'; TEXT TAXON = 37 TEXT = 'See Striton (1935),figs. 14-15.'; TEXT TAXON = 38 TEXT = 'Hugueney (1999), Fig. 28.5 G. Steneofiber eseri, left P4-M3, St-Gerand-le-Puy.^n^nHugueney (1975), plate 1.^n^nStefen (1997).'; TEXT TAXON = 39 TEXT = 'Mors & Stefen (2010).^n^nHugueney (1999).'; TEXT TAXON = 40 TEXT = 'Casanovas-Vilar et al. (2008).'; TEXT TAXON = 41 TEXT = 'Xu (1994), Rybczynski (2010), and Qiu & Li (2016). Skull see IVPP C/9.'; TEXT TAXON = 42 TEXT = 'Skull stored in Ni''collection.'; SU T = 10 C = 1 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 2 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 3 N = color I = 7; SU T = 29 C = 3 N = color I = 4; SU T = 34 C = 3 N = color I = 7; SU T = 36 C = 3 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 6 N = color I = 7; SU T = 29 C = 6 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 7 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 8 N = color I = 7; SU T = 34 C = 10 N = color I = 5; SU T = 35 C = 10 N = color I = 5; SU T = 1 C = 11 N = color I = 5; SU T = 3 C = 11 N = color I = 5; SU T = 10 C = 11 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 12 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 17 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 18 N = color I = 7; SU T = 5 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 10 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 11 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 12 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 14 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 15 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 16 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 33 C = 19 N = color I = 5; SU T = 5 C = 20 N = color I = 5; SU T = 10 C = 20 N = color I = 5; 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SU T = 28 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 31 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 41 C = 136 N = color I = 6; SU T = 1 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 3 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 4 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 18 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 19 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 20 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 26 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 27 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 28 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 31 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 41 C = 137 N = color I = 6; SU T = 1 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 3 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 4 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 18 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 19 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 20 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 26 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 27 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 28 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 31 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 41 C = 138 N = color I = 6; SU T = 1 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 3 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 4 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 18 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 19 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 20 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 26 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 27 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 28 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 31 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 41 C = 139 N = color I = 6; SU T = 1 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 3 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 4 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 18 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 19 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 20 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 26 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 27 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 28 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 31 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 41 C = 140 N = color I = 6; SU T = 1 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 3 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 4 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 18 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 19 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 20 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 26 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 27 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 28 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 31 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 141 N = color I = 6; SU T = 41 C = 141 N = color I = 6; TEXT CHARACTER = 142 TEXT = 'see Korth and Rybczynski (2003) Figure 4.'; SU T = 3 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 23 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 24 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 27 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 31 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 33 C = 142 N = color I = 7; SU T = 34 C = 142 N = color I = 7; TEXT TAXON = 38 CHARACTER = 142 TEXT = 'Hugueney (1999) Fig. 28.4'; SU T = 3 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 7 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 11 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 12 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 22 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 23 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 24 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 25 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 27 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 31 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 34 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 38 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 40 C = 143 N = color I = 7; SU T = 3 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 7 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 12 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 22 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 23 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 24 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 25 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 27 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 31 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 33 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 34 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 36 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 38 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 39 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 40 C = 144 N = color I = 7; SU T = 3 C = 145 N = color I = 7; SU T = 10 C = 145 N = color I = 7; SU T = 23 C = 145 N = color I = 7; SU T = 24 C = 145 N = color I = 7; SU T = 34 C = 145 N = color I = 7; END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1491645228113; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 3345738135050070910; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 29 51 14 30 37 6 11 2 31 35 12 17 19 20 38 25 37 38 52 7 8 9 26 41 37 42 4 46 36 15 34 6 49 3 39 13 29 35 14 47; attachments ; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; setID 0 9135408196271158473; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 20 21 22 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 72 73 74 70 76 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 102 103 104 104 100 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 147 148 149 150 145; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 310; checksumv 0 3 3288238190 null getNumChars 146 numChars 146 getNumTaxa 42 numTaxa 42 short true bits 31 states 31 sumSquaresStatesOnly 19922.0 sumSquares 19922.0 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 96; setPopoutState 300; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1440 788; setLocation 0 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowCoord.BasicTreeWindowCoord; tell It; makeTreeWindow #3345738135050070910 #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowMaker.BasicTreeWindowMaker; tell It; suppressEPCResponse; setTreeSource #mesquite.trees.StoredTrees.StoredTrees; tell It; setTreeBlock 1; setTreeBlockID 015b4bab26991; toggleUseWeights off; endTell; setAssignedID 1093.1491623188724.9024097141544520567; getTreeWindow; tell It; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1344 716; setLocation 0 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; getTreeDrawCoordinator #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeDrawCoordinator.BasicTreeDrawCoordinator; tell It; suppress; setTreeDrawer #mesquite.trees.SquareLineTree.SquareLineTree; tell It; setNodeLocs #mesquite.trees.NodeLocsStandard.NodeLocsStandard; tell It; branchLengthsToggle off; toggleScale on; toggleBroadScale off; toggleCenter on; toggleEven on; setFixedTaxonDistance 0; endTell; setEdgeWidth 4; showEdgeLines on; orientUp; endTell; setBackground White; setBranchColor Black; showNodeNumbers off; showBranchColors on; labelBranchLengths off; centerBrLenLabels on; showBrLensUnspecified on; showBrLenLabelsOnTerminals on; setBrLenLabelColor 0 0 255; setNumBrLenDecimals 6; desuppress; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.BasicDrawTaxonNames.BasicDrawTaxonNames; tell It; setColor Black; toggleColorPartition off; toggleColorAssigned on; toggleShadePartition off; toggleShowFootnotes on; toggleNodeLabels on; toggleCenterNodeNames off; toggleShowNames on; namesAngle ?; endTell; endTell; setTreeNumber 1; setTree '(1,2,(3,((15,(9,(10,((13,(8,12)),(11,14,(6,16,(7,17))))))),(18,24,((4,5),((19,20),(22,(25,(26,(35,(36,(21,(30,((34,(31,(32,33))),((27,(23,(28,29))),(38,(39,(37,(40,(41,42))))))))))))))))))));'; setDrawingSizeMode 0; toggleLegendFloat on; scale 0; toggleTextOnTree off; togglePrintName on; showWindow; newAssistant #mesquite.ancstates.TraceCharacterHistory.TraceCharacterHistory; tell It; suspend ; setDisplayMode #mesquite.ancstates.ShadeStatesOnTree.ShadeStatesOnTree; tell It; toggleLabels off; togglePredictions off; toggleGray off; endTell; setHistorySource #mesquite.ancstates.RecAncestralStates.RecAncestralStates; tell It; getCharacterSource #mesquite.charMatrices.CharSrcCoordObed.CharSrcCoordObed; tell It; setCharacterSource #mesquite.charMatrices.StoredCharacters.StoredCharacters; tell It; setDataSet #9135408196271158473; endTell; endTell; setMethod #mesquite.parsimony.ParsAncestralStates.ParsAncestralStates; tell It; setModelSource #mesquite.parsimony.CurrentParsModels.CurrentParsModels; toggleMPRsMode off; endTell; toggleShowSelectedOnly off; endTell; setCharacter 146; setMapping 1; toggleShowLegend on; setColorMode 0; toggleWeights on; setInitialOffsetX 929; setInitialOffsetY -248; setLegendWidth 142; setLegendHeight 129; resume ; endTell; endTell; desuppressEPCResponse; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.ColorBranches.ColorBranches; tell It; setColor Red; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.BranchNotes.BranchNotes; tell It; setAlwaysOn off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.ColorTreeByPartition.ColorTreeByPartition; tell It; colorByPartition off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.DrawTreeAssocDoubles.DrawTreeAssocDoubles; tell It; setOn on; setDigits 4; writeAsPercentage off; toggleCentred off; toggleHorizontal on; toggleWhiteEdges on; toggleShowOnTerminals on; setFontSize 10; setOffset 0 0; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.DrawTreeAssocStrings.DrawTreeAssocStrings; tell It; setOn on; toggleCentred on; toggleHorizontal on; setFontSize 10; setOffset 0 0; toggleShowOnTerminals on; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.TreeInfoValues.TreeInfoValues; tell It; panelOpen false; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #9135408196271158473 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 168; endTell; setExplanationSize 230; setAnnotationSize 40; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 51; setSize 1344 496; setLocation 0 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.arrow; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.arrow; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor Dark Gray; removeColor on; endTell; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames off; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines on; toggleShowStates on; toggleAutoWCharNames off; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off; toggleConstrainCW on; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal off; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; endTell; showWindow; getWindow; tell It; forceAutosize; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AlterData.AlterData; tell It; toggleBySubmenus off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;