data <- read.csv("Study1_OriginalData_ForR_Final.csv") #Instructions for computing correlation + p value = library(Hmisc) #computes correlation between VII and ESVI, using only the 24 days for which we have data # on both ESVI and VII. This Replicates the correlation and P-value on Page 4. rcorr(data$VoterIntentionIndex, data$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex) cor.test(data$VoterIntentionIndex, data$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex) #computes correlation between VII and DailyEbolaSearchVolume - the BHS index inflates #the correlation (p value of 0.43, correlation of 0.17) rcorr(data$VoterIntentionIndex, data$DailyEbolaSearchVolume) #Imports libraries necessary to perform next operations library(plyr) library(DataCombine) #Calculates the Autocorrelation in ESVI data_lagged <- slide(data, Var = "EbolaSearchVolumeIndex", slideBy = -1) data_lagged <- rename(data_lagged, replace = c("EbolaSearchVolumeIndex-1" = "EbolaSearchVolumeIndex_Minus1")) cor(data_lagged$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex, data_lagged$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex_Minus1, use = "complete.obs") #generates p value cor.test(data_lagged$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex, data_lagged$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex_Minus1) #Calculates the Autocorrelation in Raw Ebola Searches data_lagged_2 <- slide(data, Var = "DailyEbolaSearchVolume", slideBy = -1) data_lagged_2 <- rename(data_lagged_2, replace = c("DailyEbolaSearchVolume-1" = "DailyEbolaSearchVolume_Minus1")) cor(data_lagged_2$DailyEbolaSearchVolume, data_lagged_2$DailyEbolaSearchVolume_Minus1, use = "complete.obs") #generates the p value cor.test(data_lagged_2$DailyEbolaSearchVolume, data_lagged_2$DailyEbolaSearchVolume_Minus1, use = "complete.obs") #Calculates the Autocorrelation in VII #Note - here the data cannot be just lagged - there end up being too many times that a # Datapoint has to be correlated with "NA", which reduces the sample size ## Below code creates a new object, that just has the VII data - then removes all ##NA values in that (2nd object), then lags it (3rd object), then correlates the 2nd and ## third objects VII_autocorr <- data$VoterIntentionIndex VII_autocorr_NAremoved <- VII_autocorr[!] VII_autocorr_NAremoved_lagged <- Lag(VII_autocorr_NAremoved, shift = 1) cor(VII_autocorr_NAremoved, VII_autocorr_NAremoved_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #generates p value cor.test(VII_autocorr_NAremoved, VII_autocorr_NAremoved_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #Now accounting for 1st order autocorrelation by calculating the correlation between #changes in daily ESVI and changes in daily VII #looks in the dataset, applies complete.cases to the VII column, and saves all of the data in a new object data_CompleteVII <- data[complete.cases(data$VoterIntentionIndex),] #now this dataset has complete VII values - calculates the daily changes in VII and daily #changes in ESVI and see how they predict each other VII_DailyChanges <- diff(data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex) ESVI_DailyChanges <- diff(data_CompleteVII$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex) rcorr(VII_DailyChanges, ESVI_DailyChanges) #p value is 0.1591, correlation is 0.3035243 cor.test(VII_DailyChanges, ESVI_DailyChanges) #calculating daily changes in the RAW ebola search volumes Raw_Ebola_Changes <- diff(data_CompleteVII$DailyEbolaSearchVolume) #calculating the correlation between the Raw Ebola Changes and the VII Changes for # a 2-week period cor.test(Raw_Ebola_Changes[5:12], VII_DailyChanges[5:12]) plot(Raw_Ebola_Changes[5:12], VII_DailyChanges[5:12]) #for the raw data, calculates the correlations for the two-week period that captures the outbreak, one week before and one after #gets basically a correlation of 1 when you correlate VII with ESVI. # BHS get this correlation by using RAW ebola search volumes, not the ESVI used elsewhere. cor.test(data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex[6:13], data_CompleteVII$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex[6:13]) cor.test(data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex[6:13], data_CompleteVII$DailyEbolaSearchVolume[6:13]) #this test gets the correlation of 0.61 plot(data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex[6:13], data_CompleteVII$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex[6:13]) reg2 <- lm(data_CompleteVII$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex[6:13] ~ data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex[6:13]) abline(reg2) #actually ##calculates the correlations for the two-week period that captures the outbreak, one week before and one after #this is the changes data rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[5:12], ESVI_DailyChanges[5:12]) cor.test(VII_DailyChanges[5:12], ESVI_DailyChanges[5:12]) # plots the above data with a regression line plot(ESVI_DailyChanges[5:12], VII_DailyChanges[5:12]) reg1 <- lm(VII_DailyChanges[5:12] ~ ESVI_DailyChanges[5:12]) abline(reg1) #sensitivity analysis - what if we expand or make the data-points sampled smaller or bigger by 1? # it's robust to this analysis, but that's only because the entire correlation is driven by # the ESVI change of 0.6, which is in the 10th day, if you do it without that data point # correlation drops hugely rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[6:12], ESVI_DailyChanges[6:12]) # correlation goes up to 0.83, p value of 0.02 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[4:12], ESVI_DailyChanges[4:12])# correlation is 0.65, p value of 0.06 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[5:13], ESVI_DailyChanges[5:13]) # correlation of 0.59, p = 0.10 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[4:13], ESVI_DailyChanges[4:13]) # correlation is 0.61, p = 0.06 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[6:11], ESVI_DailyChanges[6:11]) # correlation is 0.86, p = 0.0271 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[6:13], ESVI_DailyChanges[6:13]) # correlation is 0.83, p = 0.01 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[5:11], ESVI_DailyChanges[5:11]) # correlation of 0.67, p = 0.10 rcorr(VII_DailyChanges[c(5,6,7,8,9,11,12)], ESVI_DailyChanges[c(5,6,7,8,9,11,12)]) #correlation of 0.39, p value of 0.39, once removing the datapoint on day 10 #below code plots this - data looks ridiculous plot(ESVI_DailyChanges[c(5,6,7,8,9,11,12)], VII_DailyChanges[c(5,6,7,8,9,11,12)]) reg1 <- lm(VII_DailyChanges[c(5,6,7,8,9,11,12)] ~ ESVI_DailyChanges[c(5,6,7,8,9,11,12)]) abline(reg1) ##calculates the autocorrelation for these variables during this specific time period VII_DailyChanges_twoweeks_lagged <- Lag(VII_DailyChanges[5:12], shift = 1) cor(VII_DailyChanges[5:12], VII_DailyChanges_twoweeks_lagged, use = "complete.obs") ESVI_DailyChanges_twoweeks_lagged <- Lag(ESVI_DailyChanges[5:12], shift = 1) cor(ESVI_DailyChanges[5:12], ESVI_DailyChanges_twoweeks_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #Calculating the autocorrelation in the daily changes (ie. second order autocorrelation) for VII #2nd order autocorrelation is 0.4290828 VII_DailyChanges_lagged <- Lag(VII_DailyChanges, shift = 1) cor(VII_DailyChanges, VII_DailyChanges_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #generates p value cor.test(VII_DailyChanges, VII_DailyChanges_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #Calculating the autocorrelation in the daily changes (ie. second order autocorrelation) for ESVI #2nd order autocorrelation is 0.5964 ESVI_DailyChanges_lagged <- Lag(ESVI_DailyChanges, shift = 1) cor(ESVI_DailyChanges, ESVI_DailyChanges_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #generates p value cor.test(ESVI_DailyChanges, ESVI_DailyChanges_lagged, use = "complete.obs") ##calculating correlation between VII and ESVI after controlling for second order correlation by taking the differences ## of the changes - controls for 2nd order autocorrelation VII_DailyChanges_2ndorder <- diff(VII_DailyChanges) ESVI_DailyChanges_2ndorder <- diff(ESVI_DailyChanges) rcorr(ESVI_DailyChanges_2ndorder, VII_DailyChanges_2ndorder ) #correlation of r = 0.24, p value of 0.27 #calculates correlation for the same 2 week period that BHS analyzed rcorr(VII_DailyChanges_2ndorder[4:11], ESVI_DailyChanges_2ndorder[4:11]) # above correlation is r = 0.44, p value is 0.2805 #plots the above data with a regression line plot(ESVI_DailyChanges_2ndorder[4:11], VII_DailyChanges_2ndorder[4:11]) reg1 <- lm(VII_DailyChanges_2ndorder[4:11] ~ ESVI_DailyChanges_2ndorder[4:11]) abline(reg1) #Calculates the autocorrelation in the daily changes (ie. second order autocorrelation) for Raw Ebola Searches RawEbola_DailyChanges <- diff(data_CompleteVII$DailyEbolaSearchVolume) RawEbola_DailyChanges_lagged <- Lag(RawEbola_DailyChanges, shift = 1) cor(RawEbola_DailyChanges, RawEbola_DailyChanges_lagged, use = "complete.obs") #output is r = -0.37 #visualization of correlation in ESVI daily changes plot(ESVI_DailyChanges, ESVI_DailyChanges_lagged) #visualization of correlation in VII daily changes plot(VII_DailyChanges, VII_DailyChanges_lagged) #plots VII and ESVI as function of time, both on the same graph plot(data_CompleteVII$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex, col="blue") par(new=true) plot(data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex, col="red", lwd=3) #visualization of how the ESVI and VII daily changes are autocorrelated - positive change followed by # positive change, negative change followed by negative change - also looks like there is negative autocorrelation plot(ESVI_DailyChanges, col="red", lwd=3) plot(VII_DailyChanges, col="blue", lwd=3) #Pre and Post differences in voter intentions data_CompleteVII_September <- subset(data_CompleteVII, month=="September") data_CompleteVII_October <- subset(data_CompleteVII, month=="October") #calculates the means in the VII for the months of September (0.4) and October (1.4857) #the mean for October that they get is slightly different (1.55), probably because BHS include data from November - unspecified mean(data_CompleteVII_September$VoterIntentionIndex, na.rm = TRUE) mean(data_CompleteVII_October$VoterIntentionIndex, na.rm = TRUE) #calculates the mean VII, including October and November (now we get 1.55, replicating the reported value) mean(data_CompleteVII$VoterIntentionIndex[10:24], na.rm = TRUE) #calculates the means for VII for the last week of september and the first week of octobe - replicates BHS analysis on pg 4 mean(data_CompleteVII_October$VoterIntentionIndex[1:4]) mean(data_CompleteVII_September$VoterIntentionIndex[6:9]) #Calculates the differences in the changes, before and after the outbreak mean(VII_DailyChanges[1:8]) #mean changes in September are -0.1875 mean(VII_DailyChanges[9:23]) #mean changes in October are 0.16667 ##### plotting Raw Ebola Search Volumes against the VII data_forplots <- read.csv("Study1_OriginalData_ForR_Final.csv") data_forplots$fulldate <- as.Date(data_forplots$fulldate, format="%m/%d/%y") library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) #this will make a nice plot of just the Ebola search volume data as a function of time p <- ggplot(data_forplots, aes(x = fulldate, y = DailyEbolaSearchVolume)) p <- p + ggtitle('Google Searches for "Ebola" Across Time') p <- p + geom_line(color = "grey70", size = 0.8) p <- p + labs(x="Date", y = "Google Trends Search Volume") p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=20, face="bold"), axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size=12), axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size=12)) p #this will make a plot of both ESVI and Raw Ebola Search Data a <- data.frame(data_forplots$fulldate, data_forplots$DailyEbolaSearchVolume) b <- data.frame(data_forplots$fulldate, data_forplots$EbolaSearchVolumeIndex) p <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = a, aes(x = data_forplots.fulldate, y = data_forplots.DailyEbolaSearchVolume, color="Google Trends Data"), size =1, linetype=3) + geom_line(data = b, aes(x = data_forplots.fulldate, y = data_forplots.EbolaSearchVolumeIndex, color="ESVI"), size =1, linetype=1) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=18, face="bold"), legend.position=c(0.19,0.74), legend.title=element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size=12), axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size=12)) + labs(x="Date", y = "Google Trends Search Volume") + ggtitle('Google Searches for "Ebola" Across Time') + scale_color_manual(values = c("Google Trends Data"="grey1", "ESVI"="grey70")) + guides(colour=guide_legend(override.aes=list(linetype=c(1,3)))) p #now plotting VII across Time#### data_forplots$VoterIntentionIndex data_forplots_complete <- data_forplots[complete.cases(data_forplots$VoterIntentionIndex),] v <- ggplot(data_forplots_complete, aes(x = fulldate, y = VoterIntentionIndex)) v <- v + ggtitle('Voter Intention Index (VII) Across Time') v <- v + geom_point(color = "grey70", size = 2) v <- v + geom_line(color = "grey70", size = 0.8) v <- v + labs(x="Date", y = "Voter Intention Index (VII)") v <- v + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=18, face="bold"), axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size=12), axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size=12)) v <- v + scale_x_date(limits = as.Date(c('2014-09-01','2014-11-01'))) v